NZ Herald 8 July 2017
Results of survey on how readers have done in KiwiSaver — part 2: Type of fund; Staying risky; The switchers; Volatility; Children in KiwiSaver; To sum up.
Results of survey on how readers have done in KiwiSaver — part 2: Type of fund; Staying risky; The switchers; Volatility; Children in KiwiSaver; To sum up.
Q&As: Should retirees stop their health insurance?; 2 reasons why students should participate in KiwiSaver; My maths was OK!; Reader suggests doing a trial run on retirement budgeting; Retired couple doing fine on $600,000; More research needed on changing NZ Super age.
Q&As: Don’t miss KiwiSaver tax credits — and why kids do miss out; How to calculate tax credits for new KiwiSavers and those turning 18 or 65; Savings goal from adviser looks too high; Please email to say how well you’re doing in KiwiSaver.
Q&As: Would-be foreign exchange trader should give it a miss; Are credit cards sometimes tied to mortgages? Does it matter?; Young son might learn more than one lesson; Reader suggests ways to cut food bill.
Q&As: Best long-term investment for entrepreneurial teen; Reader aghast that beneficiary can keep savings; Pictured foot is impressive; Grateful reader’s pension rises after reading column. Plus: Free online booklet about investment risks.
Q&As: University probably the best route to a new start for woman; Credit cards not linked to mortgages; Clearing up info on Residential Care Subsidy and gifting; Do small gifts count when apply for that subsidy?
Q&As: Trusts may no longer enable well off elderly to get subsidy; Possible trap for parents giving money to adult children; What KiwiSaver rules would change when under National plan; Partial KiwiSaver tax credit in year you turn 65 — or 18; Good reasons for using a credit card.
Q&As: Mum objects to teenager being offered credit card; Newish Code places more responsibility on lenders; Another reader has trouble extending credit card limit; Help for people struggling to pay rates.
Q&As: Questions to ask before parents lend mortgage money to their children; Determined couple pay down big mortgage fast; Bank’s reluctance to extend credit card limit is surprising; Tax adviser thinks tax should have been mentioned last week.
Q&As: When you can take diversification too far; Where to invest in passive or index funds; Book is older than I thought; 2 letters from immigrants express their appreciation; 15 years later, advice has proved helpful.