RNZ Radio 30 March 2023
What we can learn from the Film Fraud Festival
– Insights from the films and panellist talks
– Warning signs to watch for
– How to check if a company is legit
What we can learn from the Film Fraud Festival
– Insights from the films and panellist talks
– Warning signs to watch for
– How to check if a company is legit
– Reader’s idea not the best way to get into shares
– KiwiSaver provider’s advice not the best
– How banks could also benefit from laddered term deposits
– Laddering over several banks? Why not!
– How to ladder a mortgage
– Equity in your house is not “dead” money
– How US bank got caught out with government bonds
– Safety of NZ bank deposits if the bank fails
– 3 readers respond to last week’s condescending letter about laddering
Unusual KiwiSaver investments
– What are aggressive funds?
– 7 unusual ones
– Who might want to invest in these?
– Why 2022 was a rare bad year for KiwiSaver
– Reader misses the point about laddering term deposits
– Some sympathy for banks over credit card payments
– Tax and international shares — not the most important factor
– Australian share market moves like ours, despite industry differences
– One way to deal with Aussie shares if your partner dies…
– … And another
– Banks should teach their staff about laddering
– Is bank over-protective about credit cards?
Are KiwiSaver default members getting a bad deal?
Plus: How does everyone know how well their KiwiSaver fund is doing?
– Big variation in default fund performance and fees
– A possible solution
– Problems with benchmarks for all KiwiSaver funds
– A possible solution
– Based on a paper you can read at tinyurl.com/RussellKiwiSaver