Investment strategies

NZ Herald 6 May 2023

– Reluctant shopper passes on helpful tips
– Differences between ETFs and unlisted index funds — not huge
– A comment on capital gains tax
– A reader’ story: key messages over the years

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NZ Herald 29 April 2023

– Rental property not always the winner over managed funds
– The risk of borrowing to invest
Readers’ stories about how the column has helped them
– 9 lessons learnt
– Move to growth fund made big difference
– We don’t like shopping!
– “Spend more” message is not for everyone

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NZ Herald 1 April 2023

– KiwiSaver “sidecar” emergency account would work well
– Even Buffett likes index funds
– Longer-term deposits usually pay more, despite current rates
– One reader wants all short-term deposits…
– … While another wants all long-term ones
– Correction

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NZ Herald 18 March 2023

– Equity in your house is not “dead” money
– How US bank got caught out with government bonds
– Safety of NZ bank deposits if the bank fails
– 3 readers respond to last week’s condescending letter about laddering

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NZ Herald 11 March 2023

– Why 2022 was a rare bad year for KiwiSaver
– Reader misses the point about laddering term deposits
– Some sympathy for banks over credit card payments
– Tax and international shares — not the most important factor

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NZ Herald 4 March 2023

– Australian share market moves like ours, despite industry differences
– One way to deal with Aussie shares if your partner dies…
– … And another
– Banks should teach their staff about laddering
– Is bank over-protective about credit cards?

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NZ Herald 4 February 2023

– One reader may be overdoing diversification…
– … While another may be underdoing it
– KiwiSaver fund reports 70% return
– Banks soon moving to 365-day money transfers
– Media should have warned of house price fall, says reader
– Rosie Robot misbehaves again

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NZ Herald 17 December 2022

– Is now a good time to trade up to a bigger house?
– How much will $1,000 grow in KiwiSaver over time?
– An update on the active v passive debate
– More KiwiSaver providers let over 65s withdraw from just one of their funds

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NZ Herald 10 December 2022

– Reader leaves marriage with $3 million – what to do with it?
– Widowed pensioner finds inheritance “very scary”
– Only some KiwiSaver providers offer this service for the retired
– 3 Q&As on investing versus reducing a mortgage

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NZ Herald 3 December 2022

– Drip feed or invest the lot at once?
– Credit cards harder to get in retirement
– Should 11-year-old get into direct investing in NZ shares?
– Mother of 7 gets degree — and comes out on top
– Would-be investor in rental property shouldn’t count on gain
– Meaningful Christmas Gifts

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