NZ Herald 9 July 2016
Q&As: Property upgrading sometimes works well, but not always; Was I paid for “advocating” a type of investment?; Unknown unknowns can hurt investors; Get on with property investing, regardless of the market.
Q&As: Property upgrading sometimes works well, but not always; Was I paid for “advocating” a type of investment?; Unknown unknowns can hurt investors; Get on with property investing, regardless of the market.
Timing the housing market, and KiwiSaver first home help: The one market where you can’t invest gradually; How to make the decision; How much does it matter?; 2 ways KiwiSaver helps first home buyers.
Q&As: A reader challenges my 2008 advice on term deposits; Another wants to buy — not sell — UK shares right now; Family should consider inner Auckland townhouse; My motive is uncovered!; Some lucky reading at McDonalds; Corrections.
Brexit and your investments. Mary discusses with Jesse Mulligan what to do with your KiwiSaver and international currencies following the world turmoil caused by the Brexit vote.
Q&As: Don’t count on house price rises — and it may be better to keep renting; Couple need to make up their mind about buying vs renting; KiwiSaver providers occasionally slip up on claiming tax credits.
Spending too little, spending too much: Shopping is a favourite pastime; People who are too mean on themselves; People who spend too much — why do they do it? — 1. Keeping up with the Joneses, 2. Psychological, 3. Credit card company behaviour; Help for big spenders; Most important of all — Change your habits. PS: Final reminder about KiwiSaver tax credit.
Q&As: Ignore misleading KiwiSaver salesman, but maximize your tax credit; Change to contributions holidays just a suggestion; 1970s house much more modest than today’s houses; Well done! — but take care about judging others’ spending.
Q&As: Adding to already huge mortgages is playing with fire; It’s not interest rates but mortgage size that matters; Lack of family communication leads to big debt…; …so do pushy credit card providers.
Listeners’ questions on KiwiSaver performance and timing markets: Why average investors do worse than the market as a whole; How to pick a good fund manager; Would it be good to buy recent losers?; Will brokerage prevent drip feeding into shares?; Etc.
Q&As: Is it really harder to buy a house now than in the 1980s?; A money coach explains an addiction to spending…; …And a reader describes how it affects her; Does it work to have life insurance with 2 companies?