NZ Herald 10 September 2016
Q&As: Ethical investing can be effective — even if it’s not done perfectly; KiwiSaver tax credit continues if you’re overseas briefly; Deduction of overseas pension from NZ Super the only fair way.
Q&As: Ethical investing can be effective — even if it’s not done perfectly; KiwiSaver tax credit continues if you’re overseas briefly; Deduction of overseas pension from NZ Super the only fair way.
Q&As: Should student earn interest while running up student loan?; Freebies for shareholders left some the worse for wear; Deduction of Canadian pension from NZ Super seems fair; Another ethical KiwiSaver fund; Show Me The Money Week about to start.
How emotional thinking can get in the way of good investing. Understanding common reactions can help you guard against bad decisions. Reactions include: Responding to how things are presented; Sticking with the status quo; Responding to how things are named; Following the crowd; Emotional attachment; Being overwhelmed with information; Fear of regret; Not considering the whole portfolio.
Q&As: Who should add a windfall to KiwiSaver, and who shouldn’t; Reader gets fun out of direct share investment; Was Rabobank included in recent stress tests?; Is there any point in reader continuing pension contributions?; Which KiwiSaver funds are ‘ethical’.
Q&As: Borrowing to invest in shares raises risk — and rewards; Buying shares directly versus using a KiwiSaver fund; Reader shouldn’t worry that KiwiSaver first home withdrawal will stop.
Ethical KiwiSaver. Also my approach to investing in shares. Ethical KiwiSaver: how funds invest, risk, returns and which providers; A listener’s critical letter and my response; Warren Buffett is special; Can amateur investors beat the market?
Q&As: Couple should try share investing, despite the ’87 crash; Current interest rates not too bad, because inflation is so low; Should family move once or twice?; A reader’s suggestions for last week’s couple not all that helpful.
Q&As: Should we bail out of bank accounts if house prices plunge 40 per cent?; All bank accounts and term deposits affected if a bank fails; Thanks but no thanks to a suggested video; Share funds much safer than finance companies were; 65-pluser should stick with KiwiSaver given employer’s generosity.
Q&As: ‘Laddering’ term deposits has several advantages; Riskier funds tend to do better, but fees hit reader’s returns; Get agent’s advice on upgrading house before selling?; Reader’s first KiwiSaver tax credit a disappointment.
Q&As: Property upgrading sometimes works well, but not always; Was I paid for “advocating” a type of investment?; Unknown unknowns can hurt investors; Get on with property investing, regardless of the market.