NZ Herald 9 February 2013
Q&As: Ways to keep a daughter’s partner’s hands off an inheritance if he leaves the daughter; Another provider of reverse mortgages; 2 Q&As on the pluses and minuses of reverse mortgages.
Q&As: Ways to keep a daughter’s partner’s hands off an inheritance if he leaves the daughter; Another provider of reverse mortgages; 2 Q&As on the pluses and minuses of reverse mortgages.
Q&As: Interest-only mortgages have major flaws; Another — good — approach to reverse mortgages; Are the banks ripping us off with reverse mortgages?; Spending certainly didn’t decrease for this new retiree; KiwiSaver contributions flexible.
Q&As: Beneficiary can do well with KiwiSaver — with help from a Buddy; Elderly couple shocked at how fast reverse mortgage is growing; Should reverse mortgage interest rates be lower?
Q&As: The pluses outweigh the minuses when putting kids into KiwiSaver; Some thoughts about reverse mortgages; Alternatives to reverse mortgages; An end of year message.
Q&As: Child’s KiwiSaver account highly unlikely to shrink to zero; Family could do its own “reverse mortgage”; Some downsides of reverse mortgages.
Q&As: Reverse mortgages can work well, if you know what you’re doing; Where to get comparable info on KiwiSaver fees; A parent’s worries about KiwiSaver are probably unfounded.