Planning for retirement

NZ Herald 8 June 2019

Q&As: How 71-year-old renter could use her savings to supplement NZ Super; Reader dislikes ‘free government money’ and KiwiSaver hardship withdrawals; Nobody can predict the share market, so don’t try to time it; Info on KiwiSaver returns is available, but not a lot of use.

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RNZ Radio 2 May 2019

Insights from conference on retirement income. Conference run by Retirement Policy and Research Centre at University of Auckland, 26 April 2019. Speakers included Minister of Consumer Affairs Kris Faafoi. Broad aim: Smoothing lifetime consumption. What does that mean?; NZ Super: How poor are 65+ people? Can we afford Super in future?; Health in old age: Not all worrying; Decumulation (spending retirement savings): Help from government needed. Home ownership issues; NZ on world stage: What we do well.

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NZ Herald 30 March 2019

Q&As: Dad misunderstands how best to contribute to children’s KiwiSaver accounts; KiwiSaver, 24, wonders whether to aim at first home or retirement money; How we blew our chance to adjust taxes for inflation; Further thoughts on inflation and the capital gains tax; Suggestion to ‘Caravan woman’ that she sells at least one rental property.

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NZ Herald 23 March 2019

Q&As: 54-year-old’s plan to take off in caravan gets a big tick; People using homes partly for business caught by tax proposals; How do the wealthy hide income?; How CGT would affect 40 and 60-year-olds in KiwiSaver…; … And those in retirement.

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NZ Herald 9 February 2019

Q&As: Self insure only for the small stuff; KiwiSaver not good for rainy day money – but diversification is important; Can’t beat mortgage repayment after taking tax into account; Mortgage versus KiwiSaver revisited.

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NZ Herald 2 February 2019

Q&As: Should first home buyer put KiwiSaver money into the purchase?; Should pay rise go into mortgage or KiwiSaver?; Is health insurance necessary?; Reader misunderstands role of NZX; NZ Super rises faster than costs, despite reader’s numbers.

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NZ Herald 15 December 2018

Q&As: “Better area” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a better investment; TSB is like Kiwibank on term deposit rules; Should superannuitant put inheritance in KiwiSaver to avoid means test?; Parents in 70s should quit work and get assistance; Advantages of not getting residential care subsidy; 55-year-old might as well retire.

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NZ Herald 8 December 2018

Q&As: Penalty acceptable for breaking term deposit, but not month-long wait; Another theory on “rule of thumb”; More on “government pays” versus “taxpayer pays”; Reader’s parents “milked the system”; Meaningful Christmas gifts.

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NZ Herald 1 December 2018

Q&As: Reader prefers “taxpayer pays” rather than “government pays”; How do trusts affect the residential care subsidy?; Stats on retirement income confuse a reader; Book winners — six of the best.

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RNZ Radio 29 November 2018

Sorting your finances step by step. Based on Mary’s new book “Rich Enough? A laid-back guide for every Kiwi”: Why it’s best to do it in steps. Why the steps are in this order. What the steps cover: Step 1. Start now — it’s easy; Step 2. Kill off high-interest debt; Step 3. Set up insurance — and a rainy day fund; Step 4. Join the best KiwiSaver fund for you; Step 5. Boost your saving painlessly — how and where; Step 6. Stay cool; Step 7. Head confidently towards retirement — and through it; Step ? (when it’s the right time for you — if ever): Buy a house, or sell one.

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