NZ Herald 12 August 2017
Q&As: 47-year-old in strong position on house market sidelines; Tips from an expert on getting the best type of mortgage; Questions about KiwiSaver not dumb; Money Week coming up.
Q&As: 47-year-old in strong position on house market sidelines; Tips from an expert on getting the best type of mortgage; Questions about KiwiSaver not dumb; Money Week coming up.
Q&As: Why term deposit returns now beat old returns above 10%; Is it OK if an employer makes employees pay their own KiwiSaver employer contributions?; Is it better to pay down the mortgage fast or be in KiwiSaver?; Might a fees-only financial adviser still accept commissions?
Q&As: Is mortgage interest as ‘dead’ as rent?; $1 million needed in retirement, says reader…; …But here’s how you can do well with half that.
Q&As: Predicted house price fall no big deal for most; Older KiwiSaver may be okay in growth fund; “Ad for active investing” not so convincing; Forex trader’s record worrying.
Investment risks — Part 2: Too complicated, too much borrowing, not diversifying… In a four-part series, Mary talks about the risks described in the newly updated “Upside, Downside — a guide to risk for savers and investors”. (Download it here) In this session: Investing in something you don’t fully understand; Investing in companies that get into trouble; Overdoing borrowing; Investing in too few different types of assets; Failing to diversify within each type of asset; Failing to diversify over time; Putting short-term money in volatile investments.
Investment risks — Part 1. In a four-part series, Mary talks about the risks described in the newly updated booklet she wrote for the Reserve Bank, “Upside, Downside — a guide to risk for savers and investors”. You can download it here. In this session: The one high-return, low-risk ‘investment’; Risk is not a dirty word.
Q&As: University probably the best route to a new start for woman; Credit cards not linked to mortgages; Clearing up info on Residential Care Subsidy and gifting; Do small gifts count when apply for that subsidy?
Q&As: Questions to ask before parents lend mortgage money to their children; Determined couple pay down big mortgage fast; Bank’s reluctance to extend credit card limit is surprising; Tax adviser thinks tax should have been mentioned last week.
Q&As: Which is better — a KiwiSaver share fund or KiwiSaver property fund?; KiwiSaver investments don’t change at 65, unless you’re in a life stages option. What are they?; No tax consequences of parents’ gift to help pay off mortgage; Bring UK shares over and pay down mortgage.
Q&As: The struggle of some beneficiaries; If you don’t like bank’s interest payment policy, shop around; Should couple put all their cash in house deposit, or invest in shares too?