NZ Herald 21 July 2018
Q&As: We compare term deposits with bonds…; …And with an income fund; …And with high-dividend shares; Questions for over-65s if they gain access to KiwiSaver.
Q&As: We compare term deposits with bonds…; …And with an income fund; …And with high-dividend shares; Questions for over-65s if they gain access to KiwiSaver.
Q&As: Breaking term deposit not easy, even after customer has stroke; How couple might set up money for retirement…; …And how a more conservative woman might do it; No change on KiwiSaver employer contribution rules — yet.
What people still don’t get about KiwiSaver! Plus discussion with a listener on employer contributions: Follow-up to last time about KiwiSaver and employer contributions; Survey on which investments give best returns; Why KiwiSaver should score better; Other concerns with the findings.
Q&As: Proposed KiwiSaver changes would help many, but not reader; Share investment ‘rule’ applies even if you’re 80; Reader unhappy about share v property comparison; Former accountant spills the beans on tax complexity.
Q&As: Reader’s analysis is iffy — NZ shares have grown more than house prices; KiwiSaver member unhappy with post-65 withdrawal process; Do the calculations on whether higher term deposit rates are worth it; Simple and fair taxation impossible, but we have to try.
Making KiwiSaver Better: Compulsion?; Change default fund investments?; Get rid of total remuneration?; Change contribution holidays rules?; Rename tax credit and contributions holidays?; Help with income and investments at retirement?; Reminder about tax credit.
Q&As: Check credit ratings before investing in finance companies; Reader gets higher term deposit interest by asking; Possible interest rate rise and what to do about your mortgage; How KiwiSaver employee contributions are counted towards tax credit.
Q&As: Who to appeal to on KiwiSaver financial hardship withdrawal; Check insurance if doing Airbnb; Upset reader wants me to apologise to fathers; Pick your term when ‘laddering’ term deposits; Ask the bank, and ye shall receive; Tax on landlords ‘would be unfair’; One reason some don’t contribute to KiwiSaver.
A New Idea For Rainy Day Money: What is rainy day money?; New proposal that could help many; Currently — sources of emergency cash; Where to keep rainy day money; Let charity pay!
Q&As: Single mother should stick with term deposits — but ladder them; 4 Q&As on whether mortgage interest should be deductible by landlords and homeowners; More people live in average rental property than in owner-occupied home; Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay to get their tax return prepared; Reminder about getting maximum KiwiSaver tax credit.