NZ Herald 24 October 2015
Q&As: Is greed behind Auckland house price rises?; Apartment or unit? Go with what you prefer; Rental property not a good way to invest her inheritance; Individual shares or a share fund?
Q&As: Is greed behind Auckland house price rises?; Apartment or unit? Go with what you prefer; Rental property not a good way to invest her inheritance; Individual shares or a share fund?
Q&As: Risks of property investment — especially sections; Owning modest home plus rental versus owning more expensive home; Don’t count on politicians’ long-term promises; Why the young of today might criticize NZ Super; Another perspective on government rest home subsidy; Coffins or shrouds?
Q&As: Provincial town dwellers better to stick with their house, despite falling prices; Reader challenges the Reserve Bank’s confidence in the banking system; No you can’t withdraw KiwiSaver money on maternity leave, and you should have known that!; How lending or giving to family could come back and bite you.
Q&As: More can be in KiwiSaver than commonly thought; Banks no help when comparing deposit rates; Are New Zealanders out of step about the security of home ownership?; Don’t rush to move house when the kids leave home; Are KiwiSaver fees tax deductable?
Q&As: Should young man buy house before doing his OE?; Better to stay in the housing market than have time out; How KiwiSaver first home help works for beneficiaries and student allowance recipients; 2 Q&As about tax obligations of last week’s spec home investor.
Q&As: Plans of 29-year-old daughter sound good so let her be; Using KiwiSaver to repay student loans probably not a good idea; Improvements wouldn’t be subject to capital gains tax; South African tax option not ruled out.
Q&As: When is the best time to buy a house? When you want to; Labour’s capital gains tax wouldn’t apply to your home; Hope for the future about share offer documents; Money Week coming up.
Q&As: Our population is getting older, but not as fast as a reader fears. How will it affect house prices?; Means testing of NZ Super not given high priority in new report.
Q&As: Which is riskier, moving to a posher suburb now or waiting?; Retired man’s preference for shares may be riskier than he realizes; You can’t cash in KiwiSaver to buy Mighty River Power shares.
Q&As: Steer clear of foreign exchange trading; Pensioner should also steer clear of finance companies offering high interest; How you can avoid partial assets sales shares in KiwiSaver; Not saying “I told you so” about investing in gold; Buying a home still a good idea for couple in late 40s.