Credit cards

NZ Herald 25 May 2024

– Worried about losing your job?
– Retirement costs in New Zealand…
– … or you could move overseas
– Better uses of credit card rewards
– Alternative to health insurance?
– Public v private health care

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RNZ Radio 2 May 2024

The high cost of not contributing to KiwiSaver:
– Who can take contributions holidays?
– How badly a break cuts your retirement savings
– At least put in $20 a week
– What if you have debt to repay?

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NZ Herald 27 April 2024

– 2 Q&As on whether to sell investments to pay down debt
– Should family use more than one KiwiSaver provider?
– How bitcoin and gold are taxed
– Let’s stop tax bracket creep

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RNZ Radio 7 December 2023

Repaying debt — student loans, mortgages and high-interest loans — what to do when
– Watch spending over Christmas and holidays
– What is wealth — and why it’s like a tank of water?
– Water into tank (savings) versus water out (interest on debt)
– Applied to high-interest debt, mortgages and student loans
– Follow-up to last time. Simplicity improves its rating

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NZ Herald 18 November 2023

– Tips for a 26-year-old on how saving for a home
– A 50% house price drop? 30% has happened
– Changes strengthen landlord argument
– Tough gifting rules for elderly care subsidy
– One way around the care subsidy rules?
– Divorce not the answer unless real

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NZ Herald 26 August 2023

– One person’s waste of money is another person’s treasure
– Pick your period and you can make any point you want about shares
– Upside, Downside: The one high-return, low-risk investment

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NZ Herald 5 August 2023

– Family fights over grandkids’ legacies
– Help for people struggling with debt
– KiwiSaver or mortgage or both?
– KiwiSaver provider gives wrong info
– Small businesses often charged more for card transactions…
– … and Sharesies making changes on this

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NZ Herald 29 July 2023

– The 27 cents that infuriated a reader
– KiwiSaver government contribution as reader approaches 65
– Managed fund investor must hang in there
– Just buy a home for your child….
– … Or buy part of a home
– Reader didn’t make it to second half of sentence

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NZ Herald 20 May 2023

– How to avoid the boss’s meanness — a different way to contribute to KiwiSaver
– Credit card interest rise alarming
– Don’t bail out of KiwiSaver
– Funds’ relative performance all over the place
– 2 more providers let you withdraw dividends from funds — which can work well in retirement
– A reader’s story: Lessons learnt boost confidence

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NZ Herald 29 April 2023

– Rental property not always the winner over managed funds
– The risk of borrowing to invest
Readers’ stories about how the column has helped them
– 9 lessons learnt
– Move to growth fund made big difference
– We don’t like shopping!
– “Spend more” message is not for everyone

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