RNZ Radio 28 April 2016
Different types of investments: The main ones — cash, bonds, property and shares; More about bonds; How to tell how risky a bond is; What about forestry, collectibles etc?; What is a managed fund?
Different types of investments: The main ones — cash, bonds, property and shares; More about bonds; How to tell how risky a bond is; What about forestry, collectibles etc?; What is a managed fund?
Good borrowing: How gearing boosts returns — and losses: Good and bad borrowing; A simple example of gearing; Compare this with investing without borrowing; 2 other ways gearing is risky; Can you cope with gearing?
Listeners’ questions and comments about compounding and KiwiSaver: Doubling your money; What if employer ignores KiwiSaver?; Is it hard to get a contributions holiday?; KiwiSaver for the self-employed; Etc.
KiwiSaver for people nearing and in retirement: The rules; Which funds?; How much should you spend each year?; Other tips on how to use KiwiSaver in retirement.
The magic of regular saving — both in and out of KiwiSaver: How compounding works; And… you buy more when it’s cheaper; The big KiwiSaver bonus; Beware of KiwiSaver contributions holidays; Take part in KiwiSaver even if you’re heading overseas soon.
Listeners’ questions on investing in shares and your own home. Includes: Should listener get into investing directly in shares?; Would that involve filling out a tax return?; Getting your head around house price gains.
Should you try to pick shares?: Market has done well lately. Lessons from student stock picking game: Most people are not good at picking; Buy several shares to reduce losses; Shares are for the long term only; Best way to invest in shares.
Tips on buying and selling property — Part 2: An idea to make real estate commissions fairer; One man’s strategy; Mary answers listeners’ questions and comments on commissions, auctions, buying or selling first etc.
Tips on buying and selling property — Part 1: Planning to move? Should you buy or sell first?; How to handle buying at auction; Other tips.