NZ Herald 7 May 2016
Q&As: Thai retirement not so cheap; Buffett not unbalanced; 3 Q&As on investing in international index funds.
Q&As: Thai retirement not so cheap; Buffett not unbalanced; 3 Q&As on investing in international index funds.
Q&As: New index will tell more about how 65-pluses spend; Was I dismissive to a reader last week?; Is diversification the main point in a high-yield share portfolio?; Original high-yield correspondent explains his strategy; Sharebroker info useful but don’t get into frequent trading.
Q&As: Live well on $15,000 a year in Thailand; Reader questions last week’s correspondent’s dividend income…; …While another reader explains it, and wonders about adviser role; Better to read the column regularly than to chance upon it in some packaging!
Getting through Christmas without going broke. Also, the big spender and the big saver. For big savers, Christmas is no problem. But there’s a downside. More later… Turning to the big spenders: What really makes the kids happy?; Ways to cut back gift giving; Tips on shopping wisely; Meaningful Christmas gifts; Spending lots on food and booze. Back to the big savers — a challenge for them (Includes lots of suggestions from listeners).
Q&As: 80-year-old is still spending up large; What happens when bank KiwiSaver providers invest heavily in their own products?; The complexities of buying an apartment; Another KiwiSaver provider offers regular withdrawals in retirement; Auckland housing market not a Ponzi scheme, but how about the Greater Fool theory?
Q&As: How a woman who can’t stop herself from spending could tie up an inheritance; Extra house savings may be better outside KiwiSaver; Saving in or out of KiwiSaver, and 55-year-old can still aim at home ownership; More information about life expectancy; Is ageism rearing its ugly head amongst pensioners?
Q&As: KiwiSaver accounts very unlikely to go to zero, but nor are they guaranteed; What happens to KiwiSaver money when the person dies?; NZ Super is indeed paid from current taxes; Have retired people paid towards their NZ Super?; Reader challenges my comments about some people paying for their rest home care; Some retirees need “permission” to enjoy spending their money.
Q&As: Retired couple paying for rest home now wish they had spent more earlier; Are NZ Super recipients beneficiaries?; Reader thinks it’s bad to eat into capital in retirement; How couple might set up a first home account.
Q&As: Banks give teenagers credit too easily; Credit union offers lower-interest deal to credit card borrowers; Retiree “invests in people”; 55-year-old spending while she’s able; Financial adviser struggles with how others do it.
Q&As: 70-year-olds should skip buying unit and spend their savings; How to set up a regular income from bank term deposits; One reader applauds my being tough on those with big credit card debt…; …While another is incensed by it.