
RNZ Radio 30 March 2017

Gender and Investing: How gender affects goal setting; Are men or women more likely to take risks?; Are women or men more likely to trade frequently?; Which gender is scammed more?; As a result…; Messages for each gender.

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RNZ Radio 21 April 2016

Good borrowing: How gearing boosts returns — and losses: Good and bad borrowing; A simple example of gearing; Compare this with investing without borrowing; 2 other ways gearing is risky; Can you cope with gearing?

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RNZ Radio 11 February 2016

Why it’s not easy to get rich quick. How you might get rich quick without putting in heaps of time and taking high risk: Not via scams (discussed last year); The other ideas need luck; What would happen if someone found a low-risk easy way to get rich quick?; 3 ways you could try to get rich quick — 1. High-risk shares, 2. Start a new business, 3. Highly geared investments; What do they all involve?

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RNZ Radio 10 December 2015

How overconfidence can make you poorer (and other psychological aspects of investing): Applies to shares, property, fixed interest etc; Which gender?; Overconfidence leads to — 1. Too little diversification, 2.Frequent trading; What to do instead; Many women have their own problem — too little risk; Other ways emotions affect investing.

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NZ Herald 5 September 2015

Q&As: KiwiSaver accounts very unlikely to go to zero, but nor are they guaranteed; What happens to KiwiSaver money when the person dies?; NZ Super is indeed paid from current taxes; Have retired people paid towards their NZ Super?; Reader challenges my comments about some people paying for their rest home care; Some retirees need “permission” to enjoy spending their money.

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NZ Herald 8 August 2015

Q&As: Banks shouldn’t favour new customers, but reader shouldn’t have big credit card debt; Gold doing OK in NZ dollars, but that’s not the point; Why advisers tend to favour low-risk investments and why they shouldn’t; Banks have a wide range of financial advisers.

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NZ Herald 1 August 2015

Q&As: Gold bugs disappear now that their price has plunged; 2 Q&As about older bank customers getting poor service; How to judge your financial adviser; 76-year-old doesn’t have to reduce risk.

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NZ Herald 5 April 2014

Q&As: How to tell if an investment — beyond low-risk KiwiSaver funds — is fairly safe; Should woman sell rental and enjoy the proceeds?; Can reader use Dad’s KiwiSaver for own benefit?; Lenders may help with first home deposit timing problem.

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