NZ Herald 19 April 2014
Q&As: Gold plan will make us all rich — or will it?; Do Chinese buyers of NZ houses get cheap mortgages?; How KiwiSaver works for the self-employed.
Q&As: Gold plan will make us all rich — or will it?; Do Chinese buyers of NZ houses get cheap mortgages?; How KiwiSaver works for the self-employed.
Q&As: How to tell if an investment — beyond low-risk KiwiSaver funds — is fairly safe; Should woman sell rental and enjoy the proceeds?; Can reader use Dad’s KiwiSaver for own benefit?; Lenders may help with first home deposit timing problem.
Q&As: How about just paying tax, instead of moving house to avoid paying it?; Beneficiaries can join KiwiSaver, and shouldn’t feel they’re not entitled; Last week’s lead Q&A overlooked costs of home ownership…; …and the limits to how KiwiSaver first home money can be spent.
Q&As: 60 is not too old to get a mortgage and buy a first home; Buying a home is not the only way to financial security; Don’t overlook tax if buying a rental with the aim of selling at a profit; Want to free up money? Try moving to Tokoroa; Just one bank and one finance company respond to term deposit challenge.
Q&As: Should young man buy house before doing his OE?; Better to stay in the housing market than have time out; How KiwiSaver first home help works for beneficiaries and student allowance recipients; 2 Q&As about tax obligations of last week’s spec home investor.
Q&As: Still hope for first home buyer with 10% deposit; Profits from spec home best put into offsetting mortgage on own home; How KiwiSaver fund finder gets around shortcomings; Ideas for inexpensive family travel.
Q&As: How fortnightly mortgage payments can help; New rules and info on KiwiSaver first home help; Pros and cons of bringing super to NZ from Australia.
Q&As: 64-year-old should get rid of mortgage — and join KiwiSaver if she’s not already in; Capital gains tax valuation idea could cause problems; How changes to the KiwiSaver first home subsidy would work; Overseas grandson can’t join KiwiSaver.
Q&As: Which is riskier, moving to a posher suburb now or waiting?; Retired man’s preference for shares may be riskier than he realizes; You can’t cash in KiwiSaver to buy Mighty River Power shares.
Q&As: Reader’s returns in the stratosphere; Bach reading reveals very long-term data on gold prices; To buy or not to buy when house prices look bubbly.