Money Talk December 2019
Should you use extra cash to reduce your mortgage or top up your KiwiSaver?
Should you use extra cash to reduce your mortgage or top up your KiwiSaver?
Notes from a conference
Westpac Massey Fin Ed Centre conference on “Building financially capable communities: our pathways to success”
– Current Financial teaching in schools is not effective, especially for lower sociology economic kids
– Self efficacy — whether you believe your actions and effort will affect your outcomes — is more important to wealth than things like financial literacy. Can it be changed?
– Changes coming to regulate payday lending. Will they help?
Ways to boost your everyday saving. Last time we looked at setting a savings goal. This time, it’s other tips to boost savings: Open a separate savings account; Pay yourself first; Start small and gradually increase savings; Play mind games — take a “pay cut” or use a picture; Seize big opportunities when expenses fall or income increases; Take inspiration from champion savers or extreme saver movements.
Q&As: Holders of small student loans are better off getting rid of them; KiwiSaver can add up over the years for self-employed and non-employees…; And also students; Mortgage interest still deductible on rental properties; People should check medical care before moving to smaller towns; Father and daughter celebrate Dad’s day in the kitchen.
How to set a goal for saving or debt repayment
Importance of setting a goal, Goals that work are SMART: Specific; Measurable; Achievable; (W)ritten; Time-bound.
Q&As: Couple leaving Auckland shouldn’t worry about being unable to get back into that housing market; 96-year-old still saves — and likes visits more than presents; One reader thinks 88-year-old should spend as he pleases…; Another worries the granddad is being exploited …; And another says it’s important to talk to the elderly about money; Why shouldn’t a retired person get a mortgage?, reader asks.
Q&As: How to help reluctant grandfather with his finances; Is insurance a rip-off, and therefore you should self-insure?; Now is the wrong time to buy or build — or is it?; Last week’s correspondent opens money conversation with his wife. Money Week theme: Talking about money.
Q&As: Don’t move your money because of Brexit fears — or any other fears; KiwiSaver details for those turning 18 or 65; Your bank isn’t necessarily your best KiwiSaver provider. How to find out; “Unlucky” reader lucky she took out loss of income insurance; Reader giving non-beneficiaries a bad name; Suggestion for last week’s beneficiary not good for two reasons.
Should KiwiSavers and share investors bail out before the inevitable crash?: NZ share market is booming — affects mid-risk and higher-risk KiwiSaver investors; Should you move your money out before the inevitable crash?; What happens after the share market drops?; Why recoveries tend to be fast; How to cope with an up and down investment.
Q&As: When having a separate savings account is not the best approach; Houses still cheap in Whanganui; Mt Albert reader offended by house price Q&A; KiwiSaver government contribution smaller in your first year; Provider says their fund is great for retirees; KiwiSaver withdrawals after 65 not instant.