The Investor 11 December 2007
Can’t afford KiwiSaver? That’s unlikely. A reader protests that, despite my suggestion that everyone under 65 should sign up to KiwiSaver, “reality has it that not many of us can afford it!”
Can’t afford KiwiSaver? That’s unlikely. A reader protests that, despite my suggestion that everyone under 65 should sign up to KiwiSaver, “reality has it that not many of us can afford it!”
Q&As: In defence of so many questions about KiwiSaver — and a challenge to readers; Getting the best out of KiwiSaver for a non-earning wife and college kids; Getting the best out of KiwiSaver for an early retiree on a low income.
Q&As: Eggs in baskets don’t really apply to term deposits, but there’s another way to diversify; Taxing options if you take flatmates in to help you pay the mortgage; 2 Q&As on how to make the most of KiwiSaver if you are in and out of the work force.
Q&As: Why don’t banks lend money for share investment?; 2 Q&As on how you can best help your grandchildren (or children) into KiwiSaver; Christmas gifts for those who really need them.
Q&As: Is now a good time for a 36-year-old to buy a house? And if so, should it be a bigger house, so she can take in tenants?; Four Q&As on how KiwiSaver works — or doesn’t work — for those living overseas or planning to live overseas.
Q&As: Why does the price of our milk rise when overseas demand goes up?; How and when to take a KiwiSaver contributions holiday — for children and adults; Two Q&As on KiwiSaver tax credits and timing.
Can’t afford KiwiSaver or saving elsewhere?: You should still join. Close to half of New Zealanders 18 and over who haven’t yet retired say they are unlikely or very unlikely to join KiwiSaver, a recent AMP survey shows. But a glance at their reasons for not joining suggests they don’t yet understand the scheme’s flexibility. They are missing out needlessly.
Q&As: Twenty-eight-year-old with two rental houses wonders if this is a good time to buy a rental apartment; Difficulties finding a KiwiSaver provider to accept tiny contributions from low-paid worker; Saving kiwis.
KiwiSaver survives readers’ challenges. It must be the noisier people who criticize KiwiSaver on the grounds that they don’t trust the government. Such mistrust has been a common theme in readers’ letters. And yet a recent AMP survey of non-retired people 18 and over shows just 3 per cent of those unlikely to join KiwiSaver say it’s because they don’t trust the current or future government. I was surprised, too, that only two readers responded to the challenge in my last column “to come up with a government change — that’s at all likely to happen in a democracy — that would make KiwiSaver members regret having signed up now.”
Big bad government unlikely to spoil KiwiSaver. Every now and then, someone says to me, “The government must be paying you for all that favourable publicity about KiwiSaver”. It’s not, of course. And in any case, my coverage has been far from totally positive. As I’ve often said, KiwiSaver distorts savings decisions, because you can save only in certain types of vehicles. Also, the government — in other words the taxpayers — is paying many KiwiSaver members thousands of dollars to do saving they would do anyway. True, other members will save more because of KiwiSaver, but whether the whole thing is cost effective remains to be seen. The scheme is far from perfect, then. However, I can’t go along with some of the cynicism I’m hearing about how current or future governments might treat people who have signed up for KiwiSaver — with the speaker concluding that it’s not a good idea to join.