NZ Herald 26 September 2015
Q&As: You can — and should — be in KiwiSaver as well as work super scheme; Couple should get rid of rental property stress; The big share gain that got away; How to keep an inheritance out of relationship property.
Q&As: You can — and should — be in KiwiSaver as well as work super scheme; Couple should get rid of rental property stress; The big share gain that got away; How to keep an inheritance out of relationship property.
Q&As: Trying to time markets is a fool’s game…; …And picking a few shares to invest in isn’t much better; Where to buy shares, and a better suggestion for teen; How come there are two monthly bills on one credit card bill?
Q&As: KiwiSaver accounts very unlikely to go to zero, but nor are they guaranteed; What happens to KiwiSaver money when the person dies?; NZ Super is indeed paid from current taxes; Have retired people paid towards their NZ Super?; Reader challenges my comments about some people paying for their rest home care; Some retirees need “permission” to enjoy spending their money.
Q&As: Retired couple paying for rest home now wish they had spent more earlier; Are NZ Super recipients beneficiaries?; Reader thinks it’s bad to eat into capital in retirement; How couple might set up a first home account.
Q&As: Couple’s rental property plans riskier than they might think; What happened at Milford, and how are KiwiSaver members placed?; Bank adviser may regret lack of interest in man in his 90s; Hard to be a young, independent adviser.
Q&As: Has reader discovered the secret to beating the share market?; Could a bank failure lead to cuts in KiwiSaver funds?…; …And Bonus Bonds?; A reader is happy with their adviser; But another reader dumped the same adviser.
Q&As: Women’s gifting circles look to be illegal, and…; …they could lead to ‘an abundance of hate’; Shortish-term money shouldn’t be in shares, despite adviser; An advantage of regularly investing the same amount, whatever the market does; One provider charges less for non-KiwiSaver funds.
Q&As: Government seeks your views on financial advisers; You want an Auckland house? Go ahead and buy one; Similarly, buy the bach now; Where to save extra, over and above KiwiSaver…; And watch out for fee differences.
Q&As: Are “women’s gifting circles” legit?; Is bank financial adviser giving “best” advice?; KiwiSaver tax credits don’t cross the Tasman; Tips on getting more from a revolving credit mortgage.
Q&As: Reader uneasy about crowdfunding company’s marketing; Plans to time the share market with KiwiSaver are worrying; Are the politicians complaining?