Investment returns

NZ Herald 21 November 2009

Excerpt from The Complete KiwiSaver: Which Assets Are for You? This week, Mary Holm’s Q&A column is replaced by an excerpt from her latest book, “The Complete KiwiSaver”. The principles she discusses here apply not just to KiwiSaver but to investing in general. Her Q&A column will resume next week.

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The Investor 30 June 2009

How would you have done in financial knowledge survey? It’s question time. How would you have answered the following in a recent survey: “Which is generally considered to make you the most money over the next 15 to 20 years: a savings account, range of shares, range of fixed interest investments, or a cheque account?”

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NZ Herald 20 June 2009

Q&As: No use crying over split milk: Investor can still make use of 10-year rule; Not all landlords have a dream run with their tenants; How KiwiSaver returns are boosted; Do KiwiSaver contributions need inflation-proofing, and if so, how?

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NZ Herald 5 April 2008

Q&As: The best KiwiSaver fund for a 23-year-old depends on her house-buying plans; Angry Blue Chip investor muddles my opinion with a reader’s opinion; A reader suggests why online tax payments sometimes go wrong.

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NZ Herald 8 March 2008

Q&As: A landlord’s threats are perhaps a little hasty — but he has a point; A KiwiSaver misunderstands the ups and downs of the market; Are property shares a good option for young man saving to buy his first home?

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NZ Herald 26 January 2008

3 Q&As about recent negative Herald articles about KiwiSaver returns in the early months — and why they are misleading. We also discuss how KiwiSaver membership forecasts are made — with an apology to Michael Cullen and Peter Dunne — and how repaying a mortgage fast is a type of saving.

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The Investor 26 June 2007

KiwiSaver: Be in to win. Ever since the government announced its added incentives to KiwiSaver last month, everyone is talking about the retirement savings scheme. And well they might. While I still have reservations about the distortion of savings decisions, and while many employers are angry at being forced to contribute, practically all individuals will be better in than out.

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NZ Herald 14 April 2007

Q&As: A tax on house sales, to subsidise first home owners, is a lovely idea that wouldn’t work; Renting and saving elsewhere can leave you better off than home ownership; Semi-retired couple who sold their home and rent are probably doing fine.

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