
RNZ Radio 14 September 2023

How much insurance should we have?
– Email from listener: Do we have too much insurance?
– Attitudes to insurance
– Types of insurance
– Keeping insurance costs down

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NZ Herald 25 February 2023

– You don’t need to own a home to do well financially
– Get rid of Aussie shares says widower
– Reconsider insurance needs as your situation changes
– When switching KiwiSaver providers works best

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RNZ Radio 2 February 2023

Spending that makes you happy

Research tends to find the following spending brings the most happiness:
– Getting rid of money worries — paying off debt, getting insurance etc
– Experiences — events, travel ….
– Changes that give you more time — hiring others to do tasks etc
– Beautiful things — art, plants etc
– Spending on others — charity, shouting a friend, gifts

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NZ Herald 13 August 2022

– Financial mentors offer free help for everyone who is struggling
– A good reason to switch KiwiSaver fund
– Reader “aghast” at my “cherry picking” in fund comparison
– Why passive share funds won’t take over entirely
– Life insurance advice from one who knows

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NZ Herald 6 August 2022

– Young have too little life insurance; old have too much
– Reader challenges my comments about picking low-fee KiwiSaver fund…
– … While a documentary backs me up
– What about the workers in big Aussie-owned banks?
– Deposit insurance scheme attacked and defended

– Money questions? Try this

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NZ Herald 5 March 2022

– Don’t act when share markets do …
– … and when you should take action
– Best strategy for investing a lump sum
– Market wobbling? Get out a novel
– Laddering a mortgage — with bells on
– House insurance may not fully cover rent during rebuilding

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NZ Herald 26 February 2022

– Online calculator helps you work out how much your home should be insured for
– A catch-up for daughters’ KiwiSaver accounts
– Laddering plus compounding works a treat …
– … But is this a good time to get into term deposits?
– Could laddering work for a mortgage?
– How one couple runs their money

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NZ Herald 17 July 2021

– A lawyer stands his ground with real estate agents
– Agent says I “have it in for” his industry
– House insurance proved its worth for reader
– I stand behind bond funds for retirement money
– Did I give a reader ‘very bad advice’?

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NZ Herald 10 July 2021

– Is it wise for young investor to buy shares in favourite company?
– Why bond values can fall
– What’s going on in 3 KiwiSaver cash funds that hold bonds
– Real estate agency nearly halves commission rate
– Reader can cope without house insurance

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NZ Herald 3 July 2021

– Better ideas on real estate agents’ commissions
– Reader does well with insurance complaint, not so well on contents cover
– Using insurance broker works well for some
– Is it wise to put all savings in KiwiSaver?
– KiwiSaver government contributions not for most over 65

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