NZ Herald 9 July 2016
Q&As: Property upgrading sometimes works well, but not always; Was I paid for “advocating” a type of investment?; Unknown unknowns can hurt investors; Get on with property investing, regardless of the market.
Q&As: Property upgrading sometimes works well, but not always; Was I paid for “advocating” a type of investment?; Unknown unknowns can hurt investors; Get on with property investing, regardless of the market.
Timing the housing market, and KiwiSaver first home help: The one market where you can’t invest gradually; How to make the decision; How much does it matter?; 2 ways KiwiSaver helps first home buyers.
Q&As: Don’t count on house price rises — and it may be better to keep renting; Couple need to make up their mind about buying vs renting; KiwiSaver providers occasionally slip up on claiming tax credits.
Q&As: Adding to already huge mortgages is playing with fire; It’s not interest rates but mortgage size that matters; Lack of family communication leads to big debt…; …so do pushy credit card providers.
Listeners’ questions on investing in shares and your own home. Includes: Should listener get into investing directly in shares?; Would that involve filling out a tax return?; Getting your head around house price gains.
Q&As: A different Auckland housing option: live on the water; Reservations about young landlord’s success; 2 Q&As on whether Bonus Bonds are a good deal; Worries about living in a leasehold property; Have your say about advisers.
Q&As: Couple should get on with enjoying their wealth; Report confirms reader’s concerns about insurance sales; Worry about house buying a sure sign of a bubble.
Two issues: Is home ownership the only way to go?; And ethical investing. Firstly, a bit more on children and KiwiSaver. Put in $1000 yourself, or don’t sign them up! 1. Is home ownership the only way to go? — You can instead save lots to cover accommodation in retirement; Home ownership is declining; Owning vs renting — Pros and cons of each option. 2. Ethical investing — What is it?; Possible problems; Are returns higher or lower?
Q&As: Is greed behind Auckland house price rises?; Apartment or unit? Go with what you prefer; Rental property not a good way to invest her inheritance; Individual shares or a share fund?
Q&As: Risks of property investment — especially sections; Owning modest home plus rental versus owning more expensive home; Don’t count on politicians’ long-term promises; Why the young of today might criticize NZ Super; Another perspective on government rest home subsidy; Coffins or shrouds?