Homes as investments

NZ Herald 21 April 2012

Q&As: One retired reader is fed up with a younger person’s attitude to superannuitants…; While another is amused, and thoughtful; Effect of a mortgage rate rise on house prices being underplayed; An overseas landlord must, by law, have an agent here; Bank gives wrong info on deposits into KiwiSaver.

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NZ Herald 23 July 2011

Q&As: Calling all KiwiSaver providers: Please let us know if you have plans to offer annuities or similar; Other payout possibilities for retired KiwiSavers; Couple who have returned to NZ but still own UK house should sell it, buy here and get on with enjoying life; Dwindling children’s KiwiSaver accounts possible but unlikely.

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NZ Herald 21 May 2011

Q&As: Self-employed probably fare worst in KiwiSaver changes, but scheme still really hard to beat; Likelihood of more government changes not a good reason to stay out of KiwiSaver; Abolition of gift tax reduces paper work for family trusts, but doesn’t eliminate it; “Provincial perspective” on changes in house prices over the decades.

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NZ Herald 14 May 2011

Q&As: Foreclosed property seminar reminds me of investment warning lists; Government’s proposed changes don’t affect current KiwiSaver decisions; Do banks lend more than their total deposits?; Am I brainwashed, and perpetuating myths about family trusts?; Fair enough that housing is not cheap here, says American who moved to NZ.

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NZ Herald 7 May 2011

Q&As: A house looks ridiculously cheap in 1958, but let’s put that into perspective; Retiree hit by inflation acknowledges that it could have been worse; Too hard to get by in New Zealand? Fix it or leave, but don’t whinge; A family wants out of its family trust, which is complex, expensive and not benefitting anyone.

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NZ Herald 23 April 2011

Q&As: Why it takes both partners working to afford a house these days; Buying a house with a co-owner might prove tricky; Did I muddle pounds and dollars?; Big lottery winner would have some negotiating power with a bank — but only so much; Difficulties of borrowing to invest in shares; Winners of seminar tickets.

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NZ Herald 16 April 2011

Q&As: You need to compare rental properties and share investments on the same basis; How does KiwiSaver work for kids, and will the parents “trap” them into something they won’t want as adults?; Should we look at house prices versus household income, rather than individual income, when looking at affordability over time?

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NZ Herald 12 March 2011

Q&As: A reader clearly doesn’t like the idea of renting instead of home ownership; How risky are mortgages, and who owns a home with a mortgage — you or the bank?; Share portfolio in some ways better than rental property in retirement.

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NZ Herald 26 February 2011

Q&As: Why 55-year-old Mum shouldn’t give up on home ownership; Important to save a little, even if you have a mortgage, to gain market knowledge over the years; Banks “are just like car dealers”; Will below-market share buyer lose it all in tax?

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NZ Herald 29 January 2011

Q&As: 2 Q&As on whether home ownership beats renting whilst saving the difference between the two option; 2 Q&As on last week’s reader, who dramatically moved her term deposit business to another bank; How to get your own back through the post — and how not to.

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