Ethical investing

NZ Herald 29 June 2024

– Why over 65s don’t get KiwiSaver government money
– Taking environmental issues into account
– Good spending in her 70s
– Income protection insurance really paid off
– 2 Q&As on grandkids’ inheritances
– Money plan at 78

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NZ Herald 15 June 2024

– Don’t watch your KiwiSaver closely
– KiwiSaver government money when you move provider…
– … And when you turn 65
– When term deposit beats mortgage paydown
– Gifts to grandkids could lead to trouble later

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RNZ Radio 13 June 2024

“Ethical” investing

A report on Mindful Money conference:
– What is ethical investing?
– Becoming more mainstream
– Barriers to KiwiSaver involvement
– Funds investing in residential property
– Award-winning funds

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RNZ Radio 8 February 2024

Update on ethical investing:
– Ethical investing is increasing in NZ
– But there’s still a way to go, says Mindful Money
– Impact investing also increasing
– Returns on ethical shares versus “sin stocks”

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RNZ Radio 26 October 2023

We’re getting smarter with our KiwiSaver choices
Total funds nearly $100 billion — although dropped in 2022

4 good trends:
– More in growth funds
– More choice for investors
– Fees falling
– Good international investing

Correction about how long it takes employee contributions to reach providers

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NZ Herald 21 October 2023

– Time to get braver with KiwiSaver
– Good to raise fund risk level
– More on cutting funeral costs
– A trick to get around probate issues?
– Employees’ KiwiSaver money gets to provider much quicker now
– Why employer and employee KiwiSaver contributions differ

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RNZ Radio 12 October 2023

Ignoring the markets is good! Keep investing at the same pace regardless.
– Taxi driver’s story
– Research — regular investors do better
– What is dollar cost averaging, and why does it work?
– Applying it to KiwiSaver, other funds, shares, foreign exchange, lump sum investing, when moving risk levels
– Other advantages

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NZ Herald 10 June 2023

– KiwiSaver provider’s ad looks like cherry picking to me
– Retired couple should sell their rental property
– You can repay reverse mortgages any time
– Reader takes note of bank credit ratings when choosing term deposits
– A reader’s story: Surviving Covid jitters, and upping KiwiSaver and mortgage payments

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RNZ Radio 2 March 2023

Are KiwiSaver default members getting a bad deal?
Plus: How does everyone know how well their KiwiSaver fund is doing?

– Big variation in default fund performance and fees
– A possible solution
– Problems with benchmarks for all KiwiSaver funds
– A possible solution
– Based on a paper you can read at

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