Debt repayment

NZ Herald 6 July 2024

– Winning a lottery not so great
– Keep that gift easily accessible
– Boomer unhappy with last week’s column
– KiwiSaver for self-employed
– Will BNZ term PIEs still be “insured”?

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NZ Herald 15 June 2024

– Don’t watch your KiwiSaver closely
– KiwiSaver government money when you move provider…
– … And when you turn 65
– When term deposit beats mortgage paydown
– Gifts to grandkids could lead to trouble later

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RNZ Radio 2 May 2024

The high cost of not contributing to KiwiSaver:
– Who can take contributions holidays?
– How badly a break cuts your retirement savings
– At least put in $20 a week
– What if you have debt to repay?

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NZ Herald 27 April 2024

– 2 Q&As on whether to sell investments to pay down debt
– Should family use more than one KiwiSaver provider?
– How bitcoin and gold are taxed
– Let’s stop tax bracket creep

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NZ Herald 2 March 2024

– Keep investing, or get rid of that debt?
– Super Fund result doesn’t put me off passive funds
– Some readers dislike last week’s chauffeur letter…
– … While others love it
– Using tax loopholes “not open to criticism”?

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NZ Herald 23 December 2023

– Couple in their 90s find “hidden treasure”
– First home at 23, with no family help
– How to get 14-year-old into shares
– “Never give up — and know about the family finances”
– Couple very happy on $80,000 income
– How I did the maths last week

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NZ Herald 16 December 2023

– Do fund managers “do nothing but take fees”?
– A good alternative to KiwiSaver hardship withdrawals
– Switching to a cheaper rental property has its pluses
– Control inflation by raising KiwiSaver contributions?

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RNZ Radio 7 December 2023

Repaying debt — student loans, mortgages and high-interest loans — what to do when
– Watch spending over Christmas and holidays
– What is wealth — and why it’s like a tank of water?
– Water into tank (savings) versus water out (interest on debt)
– Applied to high-interest debt, mortgages and student loans
– Follow-up to last time. Simplicity improves its rating

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NZ Herald 18 November 2023

– Tips for a 26-year-old on how saving for a home
– A 50% house price drop? 30% has happened
– Changes strengthen landlord argument
– Tough gifting rules for elderly care subsidy
– One way around the care subsidy rules?
– Divorce not the answer unless real

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NZ Herald 7 October 2023

– The middle age mortgage trap?
– Inflation no excuse to spend
– Can businesses refuse cash?
– Invest in shares daily rather than weekly?
– 2 Q&As: on the link between KiwiSaver withdrawal and NZ Super age

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