
NZ Herald 13 July 2024

– Competitions a better bet than Lotto
– Reader dislikes my lottery winning ideas…
– … And a not very helpful idea
– “I have nothing” — help with inheritance
– Reader’s criticisms mostly off the mark
– Self-employed reader does well in KiwiSaver

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NZ Herald 1 June 2024

– Don’t give up on KiwiSaver
– Readers’ tips on keeping costs down
– Get teen support in hard times
– A doctor’s view on health insurance
– When health cover let reader down
– Summing up health insurance
– One couple’s retirement costs…
– … But it’s tougher for another couple
– More on retirement in Cambodia

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NZ Herald 25 May 2024

– Worried about losing your job?
– Retirement costs in New Zealand…
– … or you could move overseas
– Better uses of credit card rewards
– Alternative to health insurance?
– Public v private health care

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NZ Herald 4 May 2024

– New graduate gets help with budgeting and saving
– How to cope with never-ending bills
– Correction on last column: Tax cuts not yet finalized
– Transition year coming for tax
– Argument for no tax on crypto and gold
– Reader unhappy about capital gains tax ideas
– Mary talking in New Plymouth

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RNZ Radio 2 May 2024

The high cost of not contributing to KiwiSaver:
– Who can take contributions holidays?
– How badly a break cuts your retirement savings
– At least put in $20 a week
– What if you have debt to repay?

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NZ Herald 9 March 2024

– Help for couples with different attitudes to money
– Where to save for a baby’s future
– Worries about S&P500 index funds …
– … Investing in many index funds
– Did NZ Super Fund get it wrong?
– “Clever” taxpayers like Prime Minister?

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NZ Herald 28 October 2023

– How to help students while also motivating them
– What happens to someone’s KiwiSaver when they die
– DIY to avoid “exorbitant” legal fees?
– Elderly care rules tough on middle-income retirees

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NZ Herald 21 October 2023

– Time to get braver with KiwiSaver
– Good to raise fund risk level
– More on cutting funeral costs
– A trick to get around probate issues?
– Employees’ KiwiSaver money gets to provider much quicker now
– Why employer and employee KiwiSaver contributions differ

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NZ Herald 14 October 2023

– DIY funeral costs much less
– A better way to set up life insurance
– How life insurance helped a reader who is still alive
– It’s best to ignore fear and greed in the markets
– No tax break on KiwiSaver contributions via employer
– How to set up laddering of term deposits

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RNZ Radio 14 September 2023

How much insurance should we have?
– Email from listener: Do we have too much insurance?
– Attitudes to insurance
– Types of insurance
– Keeping insurance costs down

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