
The Investor 2 June 2012

Let’s educate our way out of 500%+ loans. When I first saw “Annual interest rate 547.50%” on a New Zealand website offering loans, I thought there’d been a mistake. But no. That’s the rate for a small, short-term cash loan from

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NZ Herald 5 May 2012

Q&As: Reader could do with a re-think; Economist calls for in-depth look at NZ Super; Easy way to make KiwiSaver contributions; Should we use KiwiSaver money to repay student loans?; How about starting to charge interest on student loans?; 3 readers remember what tertiary tuition fees were like in their day.

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NZ Herald 14 April 2012

Q&As: Should reader buy a NZ house now — while still overseas — or later?; 3 readers’ varying views on student loans; 2 readers seem to be a bit muddled about the new KiwiSaver tax credit.

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NZ Herald 7 April 2012

Q&As: Best ways to play the KiwiSaver game if you are an employee with a mortgage; 2 readers argue — convincingly — with my comments last week on student loan repayment; Why a reader changed her attitude to repaying her children’s student loans.

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NZ Herald 31 March 2012

Q&As: Students get a good deal by world standards, and shouldn’t dodge student loan repayments; How come the bonds in a balanced KiwiSaver fund report losses?; Winning the tax game if you have a home and a rental property; Where to get free budget advice.

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The Investor 24 March 2012

How to join the new debt cutting trend. We’re all living through three “great transitions”, said the keynote speaker at a recent conference. One transition is from West to East — with the growing emphasis on China and India, another is from analog to digital, and the third is from debt to saving. Let’s look more at that third transition.

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NZ Herald 4 February 2012

Q&As: Most people still get their money doubled in KiwiSaver, or close to that…; …And no, KiwiSaver is not self-funded by members; What happens in April 2013 to KiwiSavers who pay their own employer contributions; Good and bad employers and KiwiSaver; A little book that says it all — almost.

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The Investor 3 December 2011

Columnist is wrong — mortgage repayment is well worth it. Contrarian investing — when you put your money into investments that most people are getting out of — sometimes works well. Such investments are usually cheap. But should we extend that to borrowing when most others are repaying debt?

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The Investor 27 August 2011

Bridging the gap between those who want to borrow and those who have to. There were times when I felt distinctly uncomfortable at the government’s recent Financial Summit to discuss what should be done about loan sharks.

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