
NZ Herald 15 June 2024

– Don’t watch your KiwiSaver closely
– KiwiSaver government money when you move provider…
– … And when you turn 65
– When term deposit beats mortgage paydown
– Gifts to grandkids could lead to trouble later

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NZ Herald 30 March 2024

– Brilliant KiwiSaver results in 2023
– Stopping regular investing in downturns not a good idea
– Why longer-term laddering works better
– Landlords’ finances not what drives rents
– Did tax policy hurt UK investment here?
– Finer points of rental tax deductions

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NZ Herald 3 February 2024

– Pay your fair share, tax dodgers!
– Money in shares can disappear
– No ripoff at the start of NZ’s decimal currency
– Rules of thumb on spending in retirement …
– … What about the big expenses?
– Did anyone find treasure?
– Please keep your letters short

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RNZ Radio 9 November 2023

Investing in overseas shares is for everyone
– Why investing in NZ shares only is not wise
– Why go with the whole world, not individual countries
– Easiest way to invest internationally
– Ways to reduce risk
– Disloyal to NZ?

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NZ Herald 12 August 2023

– Skip the bought coffee and lunch, and retire with heaps more
– Stick with funds despite high term deposits rates
– Three Q&As on grandchildren and inheritances
– Sorted Money Month

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RNZ Radio 3 August 2023

Which investment? And why cash funds might be best
– Email asks: 4.5% in bank or use KiwiSaver?
– Where to put short-term, medium-term and long-term money
– What are cash funds?
– How they compare with bank term deposits
– How to find a cash fund

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NZ Herald 29 July 2023

– The 27 cents that infuriated a reader
– KiwiSaver government contribution as reader approaches 65
– Managed fund investor must hang in there
– Just buy a home for your child….
– … Or buy part of a home
– Reader didn’t make it to second half of sentence

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NZ Herald 1 July 2023

– Term deposit website worries me
– Not easy to invest for teens without their knowing
– Clever idea for helping your child into their first home
– Readers’ stories about switching to smaller banks

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NZ Herald 18 March 2023

– Equity in your house is not “dead” money
– How US bank got caught out with government bonds
– Safety of NZ bank deposits if the bank fails
– 3 readers respond to last week’s condescending letter about laddering

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NZ Herald 11 March 2023

– Why 2022 was a rare bad year for KiwiSaver
– Reader misses the point about laddering term deposits
– Some sympathy for banks over credit card payments
– Tax and international shares — not the most important factor

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