NZ Herald 1 April 2017
Q&As: University probably the best route to a new start for woman; Credit cards not linked to mortgages; Clearing up info on Residential Care Subsidy and gifting; Do small gifts count when apply for that subsidy?
Q&As: University probably the best route to a new start for woman; Credit cards not linked to mortgages; Clearing up info on Residential Care Subsidy and gifting; Do small gifts count when apply for that subsidy?
Gender and Investing: How gender affects goal setting; Are men or women more likely to take risks?; Are women or men more likely to trade frequently?; Which gender is scammed more?; As a result…; Messages for each gender.
Q&As: A good reason to have a high credit card limit; One reader fires his bank…; …While another is fiercely loyal; Why I prefer managed funds over shares for most; Rules about income for recipients of rest home subsidy.
Q&As: Trusts may no longer enable well off elderly to get subsidy; Possible trap for parents giving money to adult children; What KiwiSaver rules would change when under National plan; Partial KiwiSaver tax credit in year you turn 65 — or 18; Good reasons for using a credit card.
Bonds — Most of us are in them. How safe are they?: What are bonds?; A key investment in many KiwiSaver funds; A worried listener’s letter; Two types of risk — and how to cope with them. For a brief explanation of credit ratings:
Q&As: Mum objects to teenager being offered credit card; Newish Code places more responsibility on lenders; Another reader has trouble extending credit card limit; Help for people struggling to pay rates.
Q&As: Reader has same credit card trouble as last week’s correspondent…; …And last week’s correspondent finds the remedy doesn’t work; Another reader has a suggestion on credit card limits; And yet another one says ‘Fire your bank’; Thousands paying too much tax in KiwiSaver; Know your rights when dealing with financial service providers.
What savers and investors are entitled to. In your dealings with KiwiSaver providers, financial advisers, banks, peer-to-peer lenders, equity crowdfunding platforms and others providing financial services, the Financial Markets Authority says you are entitled to: Competence; To be treated fairly and honestly; To be informed; To know how much you are paying; To have your problems and complaints dealt with properly. What does this amount to? For more info see
Q&As: Questions to ask before parents lend mortgage money to their children; Determined couple pay down big mortgage fast; Bank’s reluctance to extend credit card limit is surprising; Tax adviser thinks tax should have been mentioned last week.
Q&As: Which is better — a KiwiSaver share fund or KiwiSaver property fund?; KiwiSaver investments don’t change at 65, unless you’re in a life stages option. What are they?; No tax consequences of parents’ gift to help pay off mortgage; Bring UK shares over and pay down mortgage.