NZ Herald 13 May 2017
Q&As: Would-be foreign exchange trader should give it a miss; Are credit cards sometimes tied to mortgages? Does it matter?; Young son might learn more than one lesson; Reader suggests ways to cut food bill.
Q&As: Would-be foreign exchange trader should give it a miss; Are credit cards sometimes tied to mortgages? Does it matter?; Young son might learn more than one lesson; Reader suggests ways to cut food bill.
Investment risks — Part 2: Too complicated, too much borrowing, not diversifying… In a four-part series, Mary talks about the risks described in the newly updated “Upside, Downside — a guide to risk for savers and investors”. (Download it here) In this session: Investing in something you don’t fully understand; Investing in companies that get into trouble; Overdoing borrowing; Investing in too few different types of assets; Failing to diversify within each type of asset; Failing to diversify over time; Putting short-term money in volatile investments.
Q&As: Index fund comparison inaccurate — and look how shares have grown!; Broke couple could share their house…; …or live on a boat; Beneficiaries entitled too; Paying for your rest home? Lucky you; Services for Seniors booklet tells all.
Q&As: Binary options scam victim wants to warn others; Scammers can fool anyone; Reader’s suggestions for couple in 60s and broke; Hard to stop ‘dole bludgers’; Superannuitant objects to being called a beneficiary.
Investment risks — Part 1. In a four-part series, Mary talks about the risks described in the newly updated booklet she wrote for the Reserve Bank, “Upside, Downside — a guide to risk for savers and investors”. You can download it here. In this session: The one high-return, low-risk ‘investment’; Risk is not a dirty word.
Q&As: Couple in their 60s could still get back into home ownership — helped by KiwiSaver; Rest home subsidy rule unfair, but not easy to fix; Benefit helped reader turn around his life; NZ Super recipient shouldn’t pick on beneficiaries.
Q&As: Best long-term investment for entrepreneurial teen; Reader aghast that beneficiary can keep savings; Pictured foot is impressive; Grateful reader’s pension rises after reading column. Plus: Free online booklet about investment risks.
Why investing offshore is wise rather than risky: Applies to KiwiSaver and other investments; Much better diversification; Foreign exchange adds risk; Or does it?
Q&As: Is the family home an investment?; You can get a benefit even if you have savings…; …And having 1 or 2 boarders won’t affect your benefit; 2 letters on study options for last week’s correspondent; One way to save for retirement travel in Europe; Should ‘whingers’ take care of elderly parents themselves?
Q&As: University probably the best route to a new start for woman; Credit cards not linked to mortgages; Clearing up info on Residential Care Subsidy and gifting; Do small gifts count when apply for that subsidy?