NZ Herald 1 July 2017
Results of survey on how readers have done in KiwiSaver: Why do survey?; Differences in performance; Big numbers; Happy and unhappy readers.
Results of survey on how readers have done in KiwiSaver: Why do survey?; Differences in performance; Big numbers; Happy and unhappy readers.
Two listeners’ scam stories and what we can learn from them: The guys who beat the slick salespeople at their own game; The woman who fell for the fast talk; Lessons from both stories; Scam warning signs.
Q&As: Some spend too much on fun, but some spend too little; What to do if employer won’t contribute to KiwiSaver; 2 readers ‘self-insure’ for health insurance; Reader glad he had check-up before dropping health insurance; Another way to keep down health insurance costs; How have you done in KiwiSaver?; Win a seminar ticket.
Q&As: Should retirees stop their health insurance?; 2 reasons why students should participate in KiwiSaver; My maths was OK!; Reader suggests doing a trial run on retirement budgeting; Retired couple doing fine on $600,000; More research needed on changing NZ Super age.
Investment risks — Part 4: Ups and downs in investments, emotions and fees. In the last of a four-part series, Mary talks about the risks described in the newly updated “Upside, Downside — a guide to risk for savers and investors”. (Download it here). In this session: Being overconfident about your ability to trade investments or time markets; Taking on more volatility than you can cope with; Letting your emotions rule your investment decisions; Taking on more work or worry than expected; Counting on dividend income; Paying too much in fees and other expenses; Being tax-driven.
Q&As: Don’t miss KiwiSaver tax credits — and why kids do miss out; How to calculate tax credits for new KiwiSavers and those turning 18 or 65; Savings goal from adviser looks too high; Please email to say how well you’re doing in KiwiSaver.
Q&As: Is mortgage interest as ‘dead’ as rent?; $1 million needed in retirement, says reader…; …But here’s how you can do well with half that.
Investment risks — Part 3: Looking over your shoulder or overseas, or overlooking inflation. In a four-part series, Mary talks about the risks described in the newly updated “Upside, Downside — a guide to risk for savers and investors”. (Download it here). In this session: Buying investments that are hard — or expensive — to get out of; Expecting past performance to continue; Listening to old-timers; Forgetting about inflation; Taking foreign exchange risk — or not taking it when you should; Responding to ads or offers made in phone calls, seminars or courses.
Q&As: Million-dollar savings goals do more harm than good; Retirement expectations rise and so should saving; Don’t like one housing forecast? Here are some more; Several NZ passive fund providers.
Q&As: Predicted house price fall no big deal for most; Older KiwiSaver may be okay in growth fund; “Ad for active investing” not so convincing; Forex trader’s record worrying.