RNZ Radio 21 March 2019
Rainy Day Money: Why is it so important?; How much do you need?; How might you access the money — including through your mortgage; Where should you keep the money — if you haven’t got a mortgage.
Rainy Day Money: Why is it so important?; How much do you need?; How might you access the money — including through your mortgage; Where should you keep the money — if you haven’t got a mortgage.
Q&As: It’s great if you pay more tax than you get back; Why should I bother to save?, readers asks; How tax proposals would affect KiwiSaver — and rule of thumb for retirement spending; Reader thinks CGT should decrease the longer you hold an asset. A note about your questions about tax.
Q&As: Man with terminal illness should simplify investments as much as possible; Several ways to look at NZ tax burden; Bach owner should stop worrying about proposed tax; Mortgage interest on holiday home would not be deductible. Have you got questions about tax report?
When Couples Differ Over Money: A very important issue; Different attitudes to money; Coming into a relationship with different amounts of money.
Q&As: Capital gains tax on second homes would be based on gains from April 2020; New tax would reduce income inequality; The right adviser could help readers decide whether to sell rental; It would be great if online tool showed ethics of companies.
Q&As: New Smart Investor online tool will give reader info on non-KiwiSaver investments; Past performance can be very misleading; Former rental property fan is now getting out; Couple should consider young children in their investment decision.
How the New ‘Smart Investor’ Tool Can Help You. What is Smart Investor? Listeners’ letters and how the tool might help them: Investing beyond term deposits; Mortgage or KiwiSaver? And saving outside KiwiSaver; Diversifying beyond KiwiSaver.
Q&As: Should readers put inheritance into a rental property?; Should another reader keep their rental or seek higher returns?; Property versus shares over the last 10 years; Couple in late 70s should reconsider shares — and their adviser; Reader perhaps overrates paying down mortgage.
Q&As: Self insure only for the small stuff; KiwiSaver not good for rainy day money – but diversification is important; Can’t beat mortgage repayment after taking tax into account; Mortgage versus KiwiSaver revisited.
Playing with numbers. 1. Dollar cost averaging: How it gives you bargains; Does it work if you have a lump sum? 2. Rule of 72: How long for an investment to double?; If investment has doubled, what was your return? 3. 40 years in KiwiSaver: 3 times as much in high-risk fund; 1.5 times as much with lowest fees.