NZ Herald 18 May 2019
Q&As: Reader disagrees with my views on inheritances; KiwiSaver index funds, and performance of NZ share index; Choose risk level first, then go for low fees; A penny saved is better than a penny earned.
Q&As: Reader disagrees with my views on inheritances; KiwiSaver index funds, and performance of NZ share index; Choose risk level first, then go for low fees; A penny saved is better than a penny earned.
Getting out of investments. The importance of being able to get out of investments: Which investments are easy to cash up, and which are not; The costs of selling. The importance of not being forced to sell: Do a worst case scenario; The risks of borrowing to invest.
Q&As: Should solo mum keep her house and rent it out while moving to better school zone?; Invest in share fund or pay off mortgage?; No government guarantee of future NZ Super, but don’t worry about it; Why a KiwiSaver growth fund invests lots in fixed interest.
Q&As: Comparing KiwiSaver funds with indexes a great idea — but can it be done well?; Compound interest starts small, but after a few years …; Pay down mortgage or invest elsewhere for children?; Don’t forget accommodation when weighing up investment in your home; Reader very happy with ASB service
Insights from conference on retirement income. Conference run by Retirement Policy and Research Centre at University of Auckland, 26 April 2019. Speakers included Minister of Consumer Affairs Kris Faafoi. Broad aim: Smoothing lifetime consumption. What does that mean?; NZ Super: How poor are 65+ people? Can we afford Super in future?; Health in old age: Not all worrying; Decumulation (spending retirement savings): Help from government needed. Home ownership issues; NZ on world stage: What we do well.
Q&As: With mortgage paid off, should KiwiSaver contributions rise — plus new contributions options; Does couple have too much in property, and does it matter?; Big KiwiSaver provider staff members don’t know basic info; One more provider gives kids a break on fees.
Q&As: Don’t try to time your move into a higher-risk fund; ‘Own pocket money’ a secret for matrimonial harmony; Non-earners should raise KiwiSaver contributions if they want a first home grant; A grandma worries about the children’s KiwiSaver accounts …; … But a mother reports her kids are doing fine; Video comparing home buyer and renter is misleading. RIP capital gains tax.
What are shares exactly? Listeners’ questions. Are they an ethical investment?; How to pick shares; What not to do — insider trading.
Q&As: Why non-KiwiSavers 60–64 should join before July 1; Returns the same no matter how couple splits KiwiSaver contributions; Children get tax advantage in KiwiSaver; Why KiwiSaver is good for kids despite drawbacks; CGT would apply only to gains after 2021.
Q&As: House price fall not bad news for everyone; No thanks, Pete, I’ll skip your offer; Long-term landlord could lose nearly a third of value under CGT; Why the fuss, property investors?; Landlord happy to accept CGT; I misread last week’s letter, but the point is unchanged