NZ Herald 28 April 2018
Q&As: Do landlords push up prices at property auctions?; Who should pay tax on property gains — and a call for a capital gains tax; Sydney house price rise not so amazing.
Q&As: Do landlords push up prices at property auctions?; Who should pay tax on property gains — and a call for a capital gains tax; Sydney house price rise not so amazing.
Q&As: What is short selling, are index funds involved and is it risky?; Puzzling that real estate commissions haven’t fallen; Seller of unit needs to keep bright-line test in mind; Teachers’ pay huge compared to support staff.
Q&As: Should couple — with a possible baby soon — sell their rental?; What about another couple with teenagers, and an offer for their rental unit?; Real estate agents advises against quick sales, among other things; Government considering change to KiwiSaver employer contributions after 65; Reader is disgusted with teacher’s letter; Don’t overlook tax when comparing debt repayment with investing.
Has rental property had its run?: The market is slowing; Government changes — mortgages, tax on gains etc; Pros and cons of investing in a rental; Why rentals are riskier than they seem; Comparing rental and share returns; The landlord personality.
Q&As: It’s not crazy to buy when the share market falls; Recent volatility helps KiwiSaver members decide about their fund; KiwiSaver or term deposits for a retiree?; Withdrawals from all managed funds are tax-free; What happens to KiwiSaver tax credit in the year you turn 65?; Is internet banking safe?
Q&As: What to do when employer doesn’t make KiwiSaver contributions on overtime pay; Is it OK for employer to encourage workers to join KiwiSaver?; KiwiSaver withdrawals not taxed; Long-term share and rental property investments about equal; Better to buy a section for tiny house?; Last week’s angry reader now remorseful.
Worries and misunderstandings about NZ Super: Is Super likely to be reduced for those with more money?; Is the age of eligibility likely to rise?; Is Super an investment you’ve made over your working life?; How NZ Super is taxed; What might happen to NZ Super rates and starting age.
Q&As: Should family rent out their home and rent elsewhere, or simply move?; KiwiSaver contribution rates flexible; Should KiwiSaver get favourable tax treatment?…; …And could that lead to higher KiwiSaver fees?
Q&As: Reader’s letter leads to change in ANZ KiwiSaver statements; 87-year-old’s enlightened attitude to family finances decades ago; Could Labour’s capital gains tax apply to KiwiSaver?; Couple nearing retirement should consider their investment risk.
Q&As: Taking socially responsible investing a step further — investing in ‘good’ companies; Tax-favoured shares not necessarily a wise investment; Lots of fee payments early on worry new KiwiSaver; NZ has low-tax high-dividend share funds.