NZ Herald 20 September 2014
Q&As: Gold fans no longer to be seen now price has plummeted; Reader wishes she’d never heard of tax refund company; Alternative to KiwiSaver for 67-year-old; Is Buffett a better bet than an index fund?
Q&As: Gold fans no longer to be seen now price has plummeted; Reader wishes she’d never heard of tax refund company; Alternative to KiwiSaver for 67-year-old; Is Buffett a better bet than an index fund?
Q&As: Do older workers pinch jobs from young ones? And would new retirees spend up to avoid means testing?; Might a government force annuities onto KiwiSaver members?; How two landlords took a “nasty fall”; Is sexism raging in KiwiSaver?
Q&As: Which is riskier, moving to a posher suburb now or waiting?; Retired man’s preference for shares may be riskier than he realizes; You can’t cash in KiwiSaver to buy Mighty River Power shares.
Q&As: A company that promises way too much. Steer clear!; 2 Q&As about how reverse mortgages might affect government residential care subsidies.
Q&As: Interest-only mortgages have major flaws; Another — good — approach to reverse mortgages; Are the banks ripping us off with reverse mortgages?; Spending certainly didn’t decrease for this new retiree; KiwiSaver contributions flexible.
Q&As: Reverse mortgages can work well, if you know what you’re doing; Where to get comparable info on KiwiSaver fees; A parent’s worries about KiwiSaver are probably unfounded.
Q&As: Is KiwiSaver the best place to save for a child?; KiwiSaver is flexible in retirement; 21st birthday money could be used to repay student loan — and get bonus; Gains, taxes and prizes; Another website offers info on banks; Tell your KiwiSaver provider how well they communicate.
Q&As: Fortnightly mortgage payments not all they’re cracked up to be; When the overnight money goes in and out of bank accounts; How to organize retirement savings; The downside of using rental property for retirement savings; Last week’s correspondent exaggerated his woes.
Help needed for retirees to live it up a bit. I’m disappointed. Retired people have been gaining access to their KiwiSaver money for several months now, but there’s no emergence of good new products to help them manage their savings.
Q&As: The big question: does the doom merchant use banks?; Why NZ banks are not beloved; How couple close to retirement might be able to get a mortgage; When saving beats repaying a mortgage; Low-income reader lives a good life; Housing NZ offers help to retired people too.