Psychology of money

RNZ Radio 1 December 2022

Listeners tell us who they think needs financial help

Entries into our Christmas book giveaway on who you would give my two latest books to, and why
– Themes running through the entries, examples and comments
– The winners

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RNZ Radio 7 April 2022

Some shocking results in survey on New Zealanders’ finances

Canstar Consumer Pulse Report 2022:
– More than half spend more than they earn — especially young
– 2/3 don’t have enough rainy day money
– Nearly ¼ don’t save anything
– Only 45% are debt-free, excluding mortgages

How you might change your habits.

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NZ Herald 26 March 2022

– So you’re a millionaire? Big deal!
– Moving KiwiSaver provider in volatile times
– Which to pay off first — student loan or mortgage?
– Charity unhappy with last week’s wording
– An offer for those setting up scholarships
– 3 NZ Super recipients are unhappy with the rules

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NZ Herald 19 February 2022

– Please don’t let your partner run your money without your input
– Comparing KiwiSaver and non-KiwiSaver funds
– Laddering term deposits a great way to invest low-risk money — and what are Term PIEs?
– How do NZ-owned banks compare with overseas-owned ones?
– How high inflation affects low-risk savings

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NZ Herald 5 February 2022

– Where to keep money for jewellery while awaiting Italian trip …
– … And where to keep it while awaiting a house purchase
– Give money to grandkids rather than their parents
– Invest a lump sum now, or wait?
– A few more “money rules”, and a source revealed
– Good Samaritan helps out last week’s struggling tourism operator

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RNZ Radio 27 January 2022

Did you pass the test?
– What happens when share market wobbles
– Younger investors more prone to making bad moves
– Don’t try to time markets, research shows
– House prices wobble too — and returns not always as good
– Conclusion — if you move, stay moved!

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Investing Is for the Long Term

I’m worried. While it’s great to see many new people getting into investing in shares, and others taking more interest in their KiwiSaver accounts as their balances grow, they could be riding for a fall.

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NZ Herald 18 December 2021

– With mortgage gone, should couple take on a rental property?
– Reader’s plan to get tax deduction might work — but might not
– NZ Super “beneficiaries” not penalised by earning high incomes
– Working for Families could help in last week’s example
– Reader wants her cat charity on the list
– Happy holidays!

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RNZ Radio 16 December 2021

Money and couples — Part 2: Survey results, and how to do it well
NZ survey:
– Young are worse
– All income groups
– Causes of money problems
Research on successful relationships:
– Debt
– Equal access
– Talking to one another
– Large purchases

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RNZ Radio 2 December 2021

Money and couples — Part 1: Economic Harm
– What it is and why it’s called that
– Who is affected (maybe half of NZ women)
– Examples
– What’s happening to reduce economic harm
– Where to get help: Good Shepherd NZ website

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