NZ Herald 14 October 2017
Q&As: Should teacher buy in Whanganui now so she can move there later?; Reader gets it wrong about share market index; Mixed bag of comments on shares v rentals.
Q&As: Should teacher buy in Whanganui now so she can move there later?; Reader gets it wrong about share market index; Mixed bag of comments on shares v rentals.
Q&As: Reader likely to be scam victim. Get out now!; Don’t overlook risks in share v property comparison; Reader offers data, but is it defensible?; 100% from shares in 5 years — without dividends; Does recent history spell doom?
Q&As: Is this the time to get out of the share market?; Reader questions last week’s couple’s financial management; Another suggests they look at private schooling; Yet another suggests selling their home and renting elsewhere; Just one provider lets KiwiSavers invest directly in shares.
Q&As: 47-year-old in strong position on house market sidelines; Tips from an expert on getting the best type of mortgage; Questions about KiwiSaver not dumb; Money Week coming up.
Q&As: Is mortgage interest as ‘dead’ as rent?; $1 million needed in retirement, says reader…; …But here’s how you can do well with half that.
Q&As: Million-dollar savings goals do more harm than good; Retirement expectations rise and so should saving; Don’t like one housing forecast? Here are some more; Several NZ passive fund providers.
Q&As: Predicted house price fall no big deal for most; Older KiwiSaver may be okay in growth fund; “Ad for active investing” not so convincing; Forex trader’s record worrying.
Investment risks — Part 1. In a four-part series, Mary talks about the risks described in the newly updated booklet she wrote for the Reserve Bank, “Upside, Downside — a guide to risk for savers and investors”. You can download it here. In this session: The one high-return, low-risk ‘investment’; Risk is not a dirty word.
Q&As: Is the family home an investment?; You can get a benefit even if you have savings…; …And having 1 or 2 boarders won’t affect your benefit; 2 letters on study options for last week’s correspondent; One way to save for retirement travel in Europe; Should ‘whingers’ take care of elderly parents themselves?
Q&As: Which is better — a KiwiSaver share fund or KiwiSaver property fund?; KiwiSaver investments don’t change at 65, unless you’re in a life stages option. What are they?; No tax consequences of parents’ gift to help pay off mortgage; Bring UK shares over and pay down mortgage.