NZ Herald 28 January 2017
Q&As: Who earns the interest while money moves from bank to bank over holidays?; What is investment risk? And how to reduce it; Use savings to pay down mortgage.
Q&As: Who earns the interest while money moves from bank to bank over holidays?; What is investment risk? And how to reduce it; Use savings to pay down mortgage.
Q&As: Many reasons why a winning active share fund won’t stay on top; Why do husband and wife’s funds perform so differently?; Offset mortgages more vulnerable than revolving credit loans; No plans for 2 big banks to follow others with offset mortgages; Do employers deserve praise for contributing to KiwiSaver?; Update on proposal to raise NZ Super age.
Q&As: Couple should get into KiwiSaver, and changes proposed for the scheme; Could the growing popularity of index funds mess up markets?; My comments on Brian Gaynor’s column about index fund investing.
Q&As: More pros and cons of KiwiSaver versus other investments; Paying down mortgage very effective after tax; Offset or revolving credit mortgage might suit reader; Meaningful Christmas gifts.
Q&As: Better to put savings towards mortgage than emergency fund; How to weigh up KiwiSaver versus other saving; Reader not stuck with KiwiSaver provider, but costly to move; Reactions vary on discussion about which indexes to use.
Q&As: Perhaps we should celebrate a young man’s spending splurge; Don’t get rid of student loan, pay down mortgage; Dodgy share advice given to elderly couple; Think of NZ Super as insurance; Pension info there, but reader may have been distracted.
Q&As: What to do with spare proceeds from Auckland house sale; Worrying about mortgage break fee is tail wagging dog; Getting the most out of KiwiSaver and a work super scheme; NZ Super too generous for recent immigrants?
Clever and not-so-clever moves with mortgages: 2 worrying trends — longer mortgages, people adding to mortgages; Good news — people repaying faster; When rates drop, maintain your payments; Paying down your mortgage a great investment; Mortgage on rentals a bit different; Revolving credit loans give flexibility but risky for some; Main points.
Q&As: Adding to already huge mortgages is playing with fire; It’s not interest rates but mortgage size that matters; Lack of family communication leads to big debt…; …so do pushy credit card providers.
Q&As: Is it really harder to buy a house now than in the 1980s?; A money coach explains an addiction to spending…; …And a reader describes how it affects her; Does it work to have life insurance with 2 companies?