
NZ Herald 14 November 2015

Q&As: Investing for dividend income okay for some, but has its risks; Info outdated on ANZ’s KiwiSaver cash fund holdings; BNZ cash fund returns not so bad, but that’s not the main point; Reader challenges Kiwibank’s KiwiSaver investing; Interest paid on KiwiSaver money-in-waiting.

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RNZ Radio 12 November 2015

Two issues: Is home ownership the only way to go?; And ethical investing. Firstly, a bit more on children and KiwiSaver. Put in $1000 yourself, or don’t sign them up! 1. Is home ownership the only way to go? — You can instead save lots to cover accommodation in retirement; Home ownership is declining; Owning vs renting — Pros and cons of each option. 2. Ethical investing — What is it?; Possible problems; Are returns higher or lower?

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RNZ Radio 5 November 2015

KiwiSaver for children and younger people: 1. Under 18s — Differences in KS for under 18s; Should you sign up a baby or child under 18?; Should you make contributions to a child’s KS account? 2. Over 18s — Best way to save for first home; KS help for first home buyers — 2 aspects. 3. Which type of fund for the young?

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NZ Herald 31 October 2015

Q&As: 80-year-old is still spending up large; What happens when bank KiwiSaver providers invest heavily in their own products?; The complexities of buying an apartment; Another KiwiSaver provider offers regular withdrawals in retirement; Auckland housing market not a Ponzi scheme, but how about the Greater Fool theory?

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RNZ Radio 22 October 2015

Why every NZer under 65 should be in KiwiSaver: What makes it almost impossible to beat; Your reasons not to join, and why they’re probably not valid.

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NZ Herald 17 October 2015

Q&As: How a woman who can’t stop herself from spending could tie up an inheritance; Extra house savings may be better outside KiwiSaver; Saving in or out of KiwiSaver, and 55-year-old can still aim at home ownership; More information about life expectancy; Is ageism rearing its ugly head amongst pensioners?

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NZ Herald 10 October 2015

Q&As: Calculators that measure your life expectancy more accurately; Is it better to repay a mortgage or save?; Don’t overreact to worry that KiwiSaver retirement withdrawals could be limited; Don’t assume any interest rate trend will continue; What would happen to members’ savings if a KiwiSaver provider went bust.

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NZ Herald 3 October 2015

Q&As: What are bonds, and are they a good investment?; KiwiSaver instead of term deposits for retiree?; Can you judge KiwiSaver fund by 2-month return?; How tax affects Givealittle fundraising in memory of daughter.

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