NZ Herald 12 March 2016
Q&As: Judge interest rates against inflation; Retired couple seek higher returns; KiwiSaver provider drops fees on low balances; Young home buyers weigh up fixed and floating mortgages.
Q&As: Judge interest rates against inflation; Retired couple seek higher returns; KiwiSaver provider drops fees on low balances; Young home buyers weigh up fixed and floating mortgages.
Q&As: 5 steps to get a reader and daughter back on KiwiSaver ladder; Could KiwiSaver fees reduce a low balance to zero?; How to choose a non-KiwiSaver fund.
Q&As: Why daughter’s KiwiSaver account didn’t perform so well; Getting the most out of KiwiSaver for children; KiwiSaver tax credit in the year you turn 65; Another great quote on investing; Pros and cons of family life on a boat.
Listeners’ questions on rental property and KiwiSaver. Questions include: Rental property — A good idea to buy a second rental?; KiwiSaver — Are providers rated?, Contributions versus mortgage repayment, What happens at 65?, What happens if I die before 65?, Join up under fives?
Q&As: Universality of NZ Super annoys working couple; Reader challenges AMP KiwiSaver funds’ performance; Accountant objects to my comments about landlords; Bad luck with competitions? Keep at it; Pluses of onboard life include decluttering.
Listeners’ questions on setting financial priorities: Quick summary of last week’s segment; Listener’s comment on repaying your mortgage; Listener questions on KiwiSaver; Listener questions on non-KiwiSaver funds.
Q&As: Are Bonus Bonds a good place for retirement savings?; How safe are Bonus Bonds?; Another KiwiSaver provider that allows regular withdrawals in retirement; Happy reader moving into new home — thanks partly to this column.
Q&As: Reader worries about borrowers on peer-to-peer lending site Harmoney; Another possible meaning for “freehold”; Should windfall go on buying a rental or mortgage repayment?; Insurance advisers respond to critical report.
Are you in the best KiwiSaver fund for you?: 1st question: which type of fund is best; Then ask which provider; It’s easy to change funds AND providers. Some unusual KiwiSaver funds to consider.
Q&As: Why it’s better to sell a home before buying another one; Reader alarmed by what I said about interest on bonds; Do high dividends go with high risk?; Another KiwiSaver provider offers regular withdrawals in retirement.