RNZ Radio 30 May 2019
Understanding risk and return: A survey suggests New Zealanders don’t get it; What investments give the highest returns?; What do we mean by risk?; Who should take investment risk?
Understanding risk and return: A survey suggests New Zealanders don’t get it; What investments give the highest returns?; What do we mean by risk?; Who should take investment risk?
Q&As: Should would-be first home buyers stay out of the market?; Grab the chance to save for first home; Reader’s KiwiSaver fees way higher than some providers’ fees; No need to move gradually from one share fund to another.
Q&As: Reader disagrees with my views on inheritances; KiwiSaver index funds, and performance of NZ share index; Choose risk level first, then go for low fees; A penny saved is better than a penny earned.
Q&As: Should solo mum keep her house and rent it out while moving to better school zone?; Invest in share fund or pay off mortgage?; No government guarantee of future NZ Super, but don’t worry about it; Why a KiwiSaver growth fund invests lots in fixed interest.
Q&As: Comparing KiwiSaver funds with indexes a great idea — but can it be done well?; Compound interest starts small, but after a few years …; Pay down mortgage or invest elsewhere for children?; Don’t forget accommodation when weighing up investment in your home; Reader very happy with ASB service
Q&As: With mortgage paid off, should KiwiSaver contributions rise — plus new contributions options; Does couple have too much in property, and does it matter?; Big KiwiSaver provider staff members don’t know basic info; One more provider gives kids a break on fees.
Q&As: Don’t try to time your move into a higher-risk fund; ‘Own pocket money’ a secret for matrimonial harmony; Non-earners should raise KiwiSaver contributions if they want a first home grant; A grandma worries about the children’s KiwiSaver accounts …; … But a mother reports her kids are doing fine; Video comparing home buyer and renter is misleading. RIP capital gains tax.
Q&As: Why non-KiwiSavers 60–64 should join before July 1; Returns the same no matter how couple splits KiwiSaver contributions; Children get tax advantage in KiwiSaver; Why KiwiSaver is good for kids despite drawbacks; CGT would apply only to gains after 2021.
Q&As: House price fall not bad news for everyone; No thanks, Pete, I’ll skip your offer; Long-term landlord could lose nearly a third of value under CGT; Why the fuss, property investors?; Landlord happy to accept CGT; I misread last week’s letter, but the point is unchanged
Changes to KiwiSaver — more contribution choices, 65-plusers welcomed, action needed! April 1 changes: new contribution rates, shorter contributions holidays, new names; July 1 changes: over 65s can join, 5-year lock-in ends; Action now!: 60–64-year-olds should join fast, everyone should get $1042 into their account; Should you contribute more to KiwiSaver?