Index funds

NZ Herald 8 June 2024

– What to do with money for the grandkids
– Are these KiwiSaver ads legit?
– Tax on KiwiSaver employee contributions
– Keep paying extra off mortgage when redundancy looms?

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NZ Herald 13 April 2024

– A tip on teen spending
– Could growth of index funds ruin the share market?
– Do extra saving outside KiwiSaver
– Stay in high risk near retirement?
– Should capital gains be adjusted for inflation?

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NZ Herald 16 March 2024

– 5 shares in one industry playing with fire
– How rental property should be taxed
– Reader objects to landlord image
– What happens to odd cents
– The next step in laddering term deposits
– No I don’t support the Government blindly

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NZ Herald 9 March 2024

– Help for couples with different attitudes to money
– Where to save for a baby’s future
– Worries about S&P500 index funds …
– … Investing in many index funds
– Did NZ Super Fund get it wrong?
– “Clever” taxpayers like Prime Minister?

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NZ Herald 2 March 2024

– Keep investing, or get rid of that debt?
– Super Fund result doesn’t put me off passive funds
– Some readers dislike last week’s chauffeur letter…
– … While others love it
– Using tax loopholes “not open to criticism”?

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NZ Herald 27 January 2024

– Is $4 million enough to retire on?
– Bank shares not the investment they were — but do banks need a break?
– Share investor has “No time for fund managers”
– Let teens make investment mistakes
– Insurance rip-off looks likely

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RNZ Radio 12 October 2023

Ignoring the markets is good! Keep investing at the same pace regardless.
– Taxi driver’s story
– Research — regular investors do better
– What is dollar cost averaging, and why does it work?
– Applying it to KiwiSaver, other funds, shares, foreign exchange, lump sum investing, when moving risk levels
– Other advantages

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NZ Herald 19 August 2023

– Cutting back on spending won’t do the harm reader expects
– Not a good reason to avoid index funds
– So the market looks worrying? Stay put!
– 2 views on giving to grandchildren
– KiwiSaver withdrawal process angers reader

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NZ Herald 6 May 2023

– Reluctant shopper passes on helpful tips
– Differences between ETFs and unlisted index funds — not huge
– A comment on capital gains tax
– A reader’ story: key messages over the years

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