The Investor 10 October 2006
Moving money across the globe is a risky tactic. The situation of a reader may not seem relevant to many others. But there are lessons here for practically everyone.
Moving money across the globe is a risky tactic. The situation of a reader may not seem relevant to many others. But there are lessons here for practically everyone.
Stay Away: Don’t rush to bring your shares back from overseas. Also in this issue: From the Mailbox — Giving the kids a great start with regular investing.
Stuff and happiness: Buying things you don’t really need. Also in this issue: From the Mailbox — Should a young man buy himself a house?
Q&As: The pros and cons of self employment and income splitting; Comparing shares with property is tricky; How movements in the dollar affect investment in international share funds.
Investing offhore not as risky as it seems. It’s an oft-quoted excuse for not investing offshore: If you do, you take on foreign exchange risk. But is it really risky?
Q&As: Man with many rental properties does it the right way; Why do economists bother to make foreign exchange forecasts that are often wrong?
Q&As: You can make money by leasing out caravans; Economist confesses how bad all foreign exchange forecasts are.
Taking on the world: Spread your share investment money across the world. Also in this issue: Great Debate — Investing v repaying your mortgage.
Free lunch a rewarding spread: It’s wise to spread your investment money around. Also in this issue: Great Debate — Shares v share funds.