NZ Herald 17 November 2018
Q&As: It’s great to be a cash buyer; Should couple in 70s panic about their KiwiSaver?; Reader plans way to get more from the government; Retired couple should consider retirement villages.
Q&As: It’s great to be a cash buyer; Should couple in 70s panic about their KiwiSaver?; Reader plans way to get more from the government; Retired couple should consider retirement villages.
Coping with a falling KiwiSaver balance: What share market declines do and don’t mean; How much does a drop in shares affect KiwiSaver and other investors?; What you should do; Another way your balance could fall — interest rate changes.
Q&As: Share investor has excelled — but don’t count on it continuing; A good company is not necessarily a good investment; Couple can’t leave intact KiwiSaver accounts to their daughters; Another way to invest emergency money.