NZ Herald 28 October 2023
– How to help students while also motivating them
– What happens to someone’s KiwiSaver when they die
– DIY to avoid “exorbitant” legal fees?
– Elderly care rules tough on middle-income retirees
– How to help students while also motivating them
– What happens to someone’s KiwiSaver when they die
– DIY to avoid “exorbitant” legal fees?
– Elderly care rules tough on middle-income retirees
Insights from conference on retirement income. Conference run by Retirement Policy and Research Centre at University of Auckland, 26 April 2019. Speakers included Minister of Consumer Affairs Kris Faafoi. Broad aim: Smoothing lifetime consumption. What does that mean?; NZ Super: How poor are 65+ people? Can we afford Super in future?; Health in old age: Not all worrying; Decumulation (spending retirement savings): Help from government needed. Home ownership issues; NZ on world stage: What we do well.
Q&As: Wisdom for bankrupt couple from one who has been there; How to find ethical funds in the KiwiSaver Fund Finder; Dangerous issue with last week’s picture; Stop tampering with KiwiSaver; Last column of the year and thanks to correspondents.
Q&As: The problem with do-it-yourself annuities; Employee super schemes still offer annuities; How new tool helps you choose a KiwiSaver provider; 3 Q&As give advice to bankrupt couple from those who have been there.
Q&As: Should people be forced to put some of their KiwiSaver money into an annuity?; Highly leveraged property investing is risky; An investor in both puts some perspective on shares versus property; Meaningful Christmas gifts.
Q&As: Do older workers pinch jobs from young ones? And would new retirees spend up to avoid means testing?; Might a government force annuities onto KiwiSaver members?; How two landlords took a “nasty fall”; Is sexism raging in KiwiSaver?
Help needed for retirees to live it up a bit. I’m disappointed. Retired people have been gaining access to their KiwiSaver money for several months now, but there’s no emergence of good new products to help them manage their savings.
Q&As: Government action needed to help out retirees withdrawing their KiwiSaver money; No tax when you take money out of KiwiSaver; KiwiSaver gets good and bad report cards, depending on your approach; 2 readers explain how they financially helped their student children.
Q&As: Older workers don’t take jobs away from the young; There are ways around timing problems with annuities; Last week’s angry correspondent apologises, and asks another question about how safe NZ banks are; Two readers respond to last week’s outburst; One more “set and forget” KiwiSaver fund.
Labour shows up National on retirement savings issue. Come on National, you can do better. In less than a year, the first New Zealanders will gain access to their KiwiSaver money to spend in retirement. They need help with how to handle that money.