NZ Herald 18 August 2012
Q&As: New research helps to answer whether couple in early 50s should worry about how much they are saving; KiwiSaver funds won’t be the next finance companies; Should young man overseas repay his student loan?
Q&As: New research helps to answer whether couple in early 50s should worry about how much they are saving; KiwiSaver funds won’t be the next finance companies; Should young man overseas repay his student loan?
Q&As: The kids are off, the house is mortgage-free, now what?; Couple are disillusioned by pathetic returns on managed funds; What to do with a small KiwiSaver nestegg when it’s your only savings; Clarifying the rules about KiwiSaver withdrawal if you’ve moved overseas permanently.
Excerpt from Upside, Downside. This week we are publishing the second excerpt from a small book Mary Holm has written for the Reserve Bank called “Upside, downside: A guide to risk for savers and investors”. It will be given away free to the public in September. This column will tell you how to get a copy then. Today we look at examples of risky investor behaviour. The normal Q&A column will resume next week.
Excerpt from Upside, Downside. This week and next week, this column will publish excerpts from a small book Mary Holm has written for the Reserve Bank called “Upside, downside: A guide to risk for savers and investors”. It will be given away free to the public in September. This column will tell you how to get a copy then. Today’s excerpts include an overview and an example of one type of risky investor behaviour. Next week we will publish further examples.
Q&As: Repeated property do-ups unlikely to bring tax-free gains; Are shares really better in the long term than property or bank deposits?; Reader is confused over KiwiSaver first home subsidy price limits; Sleepless nights over a charity donation.
Q&As: Use accessible KiwiSaver money to repay credit card debt, and probably mortgage too; What exactly does growth in GDP mean?; 3 readers are unhappy with charities asking for more…; And a fourth points out how complicated it can get; An error last week about donations to St Johns?; Reader happy with his healthcare insurance.
Q&As: Tax rebates worth having — but are some charities greedy?; Some health insurance might be too lean and mean; KiwiSaver employees over 65 should ask the boss to keep contributing; Is KiwiSaver balance likely to go backwards after retirement?
Q&As: How to reduce the cost of medical insurance — and other insurance; Do tax and morality mix?; Poor communications a good reason to skip a KiwiSaver provider.
Q&As: Taxes are everywhere. But let’s not get carried away with the pessimism; On taxation and morality; 2 Q&As about how to handle KiwiSaver accounts in retirement.
Q&As: Why people shouldn’t cheat in KiwiSaver; A reader is irritated about slow tax information and the policy on PIR tax rates…; …While another reader sings the praises of Inland Revenue; 3 Q&As about KiwiSaver tax credits for people approaching their fifth anniversary in the scheme.