NZ Herald Q&A Column

The Investor 10 March 2009

When is ‘a bird in the hand’ better? They are two perplexing questions that arise every now and then. One might apply when you are offered money or are selling something. Should you accept a certain amount now or more later? The other might apply when you are buying something. Should you pay a certain amount now or more later?

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NZ Herald 7 March 2009

Q&As: Don’t try to time markets. Stick with your regular retirement savings, although you may want to modify where you save; Teen’s worries are unfounded about how Dad’s income would affect KiwiSaver first home subsidy — but other subsidy issues still undecided; Tax-wise, it’s better to borrow for taxable activities than to buy a family home. Plus: Clarification on the taxation of interest on loans between family members.

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NZ Herald 28 February 2009

Q&As: Couple approaching retirement should spend most of their savings on paying off their mortgage; Yes, you can get KiwiSaver tax credits as well as NZ Super; Reader who distrust government confuses KiwiSaver with NZ Super Fund; Was this column wrong last week about withholding tax on interest paid on a loan within a family?

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The Investor 24 February 2009

Good fairy turbocharges lower income people’s savings. You’re struggling on a low income, as a part-time or full-time worker. All this talk about saving is fine for those making plenty, but you feel you can’t spare anything. Fair enough. Enter the Good Fairy. “How about a deal?” she says. “If you can set aside just a few dollars a week, I will multiply your savings five-fold, eight-fold, thirteen-fold — the lower your income the more I will boost your savings. It will really help you get ahead in the long term. Interested?”

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NZ Herald 21 February 2009

Q&As: Terminally ill reader should get his money out of KiwiSaver and eat, drink and be merry; Reader on invalids benefit can benefit from joining KiwiSaver — and an obliging friend could make it work better for both of them; Many employee KiwiSavers will be better off reducing their contributions to 2 per cent after April 1 — but not all; Lending within the family can get complicated when it comes to withholding tax on interest.

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NZ Herald 14 February 2009

Q&As: The possible perils of parents lending a mortgage to adult children; Tips on mortgage reduction from a mortgage broker; How mortgage borrowers could unite to force interest rates down; 2 Q&As on what happens to KiwiSaver money in retirement.

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NZ Herald 7 February 2009

Q&As: Some great ideas for reducing your mortgage; Non-employees are also eligible to join KiwiSaver; The KiwiSaver tax credit has nothing to do with tax; Once you’re in KiwiSaver, you can’t get out again — but should you want to?

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