The Investor 24 September 2011
Harsh words worth listening to. I’ve been hesitant to write about a recent speech by Paul Mersi in which he told off New Zealanders for their attitudes to money.
Harsh words worth listening to. I’ve been hesitant to write about a recent speech by Paul Mersi in which he told off New Zealanders for their attitudes to money.
Q&As: What a good ad about KiwiSaver growth should and shouldn’t include; Bank ad doesn’t always quite work; Should 65-year-old worker feel guilty about getting NZ Super?; Missing pit in last week’s picture; 2 Q&As about KiwiSaver tax credits in the last year of receiving them.
Q&As: Older workers don’t take jobs away from the young; There are ways around timing problems with annuities; Last week’s angry correspondent apologises, and asks another question about how safe NZ banks are; Two readers respond to last week’s outburst; One more “set and forget” KiwiSaver fund.
Labour shows up National on retirement savings issue. Come on National, you can do better. In less than a year, the first New Zealanders will gain access to their KiwiSaver money to spend in retirement. They need help with how to handle that money.
Q&As: Are NZ banks really safe, given what happened in the Great Depression?; Is it worth spreading your risk by using several banks?; Credit ratings still worth bothering with, and some thoughts on why readers get angry about gold; 32-year-old new KiwiSaver should get straight into growth fund.
Bridging the gap between those who want to borrow and those who have to. There were times when I felt distinctly uncomfortable at the government’s recent Financial Summit to discuss what should be done about loan sharks.
Q&As: Fears about the safety of banks unfounded; A good idea to spread the family around several KiwiSaver providers; KiwiSaver member misunderstands why her provider moved her money; Reader urges me to hold my ground on gold, and to encourage investment in small high-tech companies.
Q&As: NZ stock performance over last 10 years — after adjusting for tax, inflation and, perhaps, index changes; Is the gold price bubbly?; Confusion over NZ Super when one partner is under 65.
Watched KiwiSaver funds boils too much. The internet can be a curse when it comes to long-term investments such as KiwiSaver. With many providers, you can log in and check your account balance daily. But while a watched pot might never boil, a watched KiwiSaver account can boil too much — especially at times like these.
Q&As: Should reader move to lower-risk KiwiSaver fund? Putting share plunge in perspective; Don’t try to time markets; Gold fan checks in after gold price soars, but what of his other predictions?; The one situation in which NZ Super is affected by KiwiSaver savings.