Money Talk October 2019
Low fees are key, but what other factors play into savvy KiwiSaver planning?
Is it wise for a husband and wife to be in the same KiwiSaver scheme?
Low fees are key, but what other factors play into savvy KiwiSaver planning?
Is it wise for a husband and wife to be in the same KiwiSaver scheme?
– Reverse mortgages risky in early retirement
– Last week’s correspondent probably meant rental losses are now ring-fenced
– Tax system lacks integrity, here and in the UK
– Did I muddle money and percentages last week?
– Another idea for couple moving to Coromandel but wanting an Auckland option
Q&As: Holders of small student loans are better off getting rid of them; KiwiSaver can add up over the years for self-employed and non-employees…; And also students; Mortgage interest still deductible on rental properties; People should check medical care before moving to smaller towns; Father and daughter celebrate Dad’s day in the kitchen.
Q&As: Father of 5 loses Working for Families money through accountant’s error; New website helps you find ethical KiwiSaver funds; Split money between KiwiSaver and non-KiwiSaver, and consider paying down mortgage; Share fund might beat mortgage repayment, but it might not; Self-employed need a better deal from KiwiSaver.
Why are women more cautious with investments, and should we take more risks?
In some ways women are better investors than men. So how come we often end up with lower savings?
Q&As: Couple leaving Auckland shouldn’t worry about being unable to get back into that housing market; 96-year-old still saves — and likes visits more than presents; One reader thinks 88-year-old should spend as he pleases…; Another worries the granddad is being exploited …; And another says it’s important to talk to the elderly about money; Why shouldn’t a retired person get a mortgage?, reader asks.
Q&As: How to help reluctant grandfather with his finances; Is insurance a rip-off, and therefore you should self-insure?; Now is the wrong time to buy or build — or is it?; Last week’s correspondent opens money conversation with his wife. Money Week theme: Talking about money.
Q&As: Husband — and reluctant wife — should make housing decision based on what they want; Could making gifts to family affect government help with rest home costs?; Where is government response on welfare overhaul? Plus: Message to Dads about Fathers Day.
Q&As: Newly divorced woman should buy house — because she wants to!; 2 Q&As on the best time to switch funds, which is when it suits you; AMP’s “woeful” long-term KiwiSaver returns, and what investors should do; You can’t “pay ahead” to get KiwiSaver government contributions.
Q&As: Reader timing market — but the better way. And making huge KiwiSaver contributions; 1% KiwiSaver contribution rate would help those on low incomes; MSD oppressive, says reader, but her points don’t all hold up; Reader thanks his Mum, MSD and me for getting good Super.