NZ Herald 29 October 2005
Q&As: Should immigrant solo mother get into the housing market now?; What is an index fund?; How exchange traded funds work.
Q&As: Should immigrant solo mother get into the housing market now?; What is an index fund?; How exchange traded funds work.
Q&As: Several on how families are taxed; Can property sellers and agents lie to buyers?; Protestor over tax on international shares gets stroppy.
Home ownership not the only road to wealth. Shock, horror! Home ownership is falling and will continue to fall. But is that so bad?
Q&As: 2 on how families should be taxed; Should middle-income families get child care support?
Kids, cash and cards: Help your children learn about money. Also in this issue: From the Mailbox — Saving for the children’s future.
Q&As: 5 on how different types if families should be taxed; Many readers sent submissions to the government on proposed changes on taxation of international shares; Am I a National Party supporter?
A message that goes too far — Shares beat mixtures over long term. I take exception to a recent New York Times article entitled, “The long-term lesson: It pays to diversify”. If you look hard at the numbers quoted by the writer, they show just the opposite.
Q&As: Should single people get tax breaks too?; Several Q&As on proposed tax changes on international shares; How you can sell your home via a website; What are our tax rates?
Q&As: What are reasonable conditions for a home buyer to insist on?; Government’s proposed tax changes on international shares.
Wellington and Christchurch dwellers big spenders and risk takers. So much for Aucklanders’ image as the big spenders, risk takers and owers of debt! Wellington and Christchurch dwellers are more inclined to put some of their savings into high-risk, high-return investments than Aucklanders, a recent survey shows.