The Investor 27 August 2011
Bridging the gap between those who want to borrow and those who have to. There were times when I felt distinctly uncomfortable at the government’s recent Financial Summit to discuss what should be done about loan sharks.
Bridging the gap between those who want to borrow and those who have to. There were times when I felt distinctly uncomfortable at the government’s recent Financial Summit to discuss what should be done about loan sharks.
Q&As: Fears about the safety of banks unfounded; A good idea to spread the family around several KiwiSaver providers; KiwiSaver member misunderstands why her provider moved her money; Reader urges me to hold my ground on gold, and to encourage investment in small high-tech companies.
Q&As: NZ stock performance over last 10 years — after adjusting for tax, inflation and, perhaps, index changes; Is the gold price bubbly?; Confusion over NZ Super when one partner is under 65.
Q&As: Should reader move to lower-risk KiwiSaver fund? Putting share plunge in perspective; Don’t try to time markets; Gold fan checks in after gold price soars, but what of his other predictions?; The one situation in which NZ Super is affected by KiwiSaver savings.
Watched KiwiSaver funds boils too much. The internet can be a curse when it comes to long-term investments such as KiwiSaver. With many providers, you can log in and check your account balance daily. But while a watched pot might never boil, a watched KiwiSaver account can boil too much — especially at times like these.
Q&As: Am I flogging a dead horse over annuities?; Why annuities are not popular; Perhaps the government should provide annuities; Different types of annuities available; Would it be wise to get an annuity from a UK company?; How KiwiSaver changes will affect shareholder employees.
Adviser’s enthusiasm for KiwiSaver is way over the top. KiwiSaver is a good deal. But I was astonished by the claims made for the scheme by an experienced financial adviser in a recent industry magazine — and by his lack of clear thinking.
Q&As: Two questions to ask before trading up to a more expensive house; A pilot joins the call for annuities for retiring KiwiSavers; Mercer explains its alternative to conventional annuities; A KiwiSaver provider gives children a break on fees; A reader is taken aback over a headline about steady incomes — and I’m taken aback that she cares!
Q&As: Calling all KiwiSaver providers: Please let us know if you have plans to offer annuities or similar; Other payout possibilities for retired KiwiSavers; Couple who have returned to NZ but still own UK house should sell it, buy here and get on with enjoying life; Dwindling children’s KiwiSaver accounts possible but unlikely.
Q&As: Retired couple with house in Christchurch’s red zone have several options to weigh up; Three Q&As about KiwiSaver for children and grandchildren; One adviser firm accepts pay-for-performance fees, at least to some extent.