Articles & Audio

NZ Herald 15 October 2011

Q&As: Is it wise not to save because if you do you’ll lose some government subsidies — and to spend the money on cars instead?; Our chances of ending up in a rest home. And could there be insurance to cover the costs?; Last week’s “oily ragger” should do her own thing; No bargain is quite so good when you consider how much you really had to earn to buy it; Update on a reader’s predictions of NZ’s exchange rate and gold and silver prices.

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NZ Herald 8 October 2011

Q&As: An idea for a woman who doesn’t know what to do with all the money her husband is now making; How much is a tax deduction worth?; Unfairness in rest home subsidies unavoidable — unless you want to distort your spending; “Add-back” of gifts to a trust not as extreme as reader thinks.

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The Investor 8 October 2011

Fees matter, especially for younger KiwiSavers. Too many KiwiSavers — particularly younger ones — are sitting in funds that are likely to grow less than other similar funds.

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NZ Herald 1 October 2011

Q&As: Are corporate boxes at the rugby tax deductible, and is that fair?; A quick easy way to see how far a retirement nest egg will stretch; Does the average retiree get a good deal from NZ Super? Does it even make sense to ask that?; The best type of fund for a KiwiSaver in his 60s.

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NZ Herald 24 September 2011

Q&As: Two Q&As on our recent sawmilling picture — and how they got the huge log up there; Is it still worth it to set up a trust so you are eligible for the rest home subsidy?; A suggested way to stop people using trusts to get the rest home subsidy — and are trusts fair?; Angry reader talks quietly; Couple in their 60s plan trip to Greece courtesy of KiwiSaver.

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NZ Herald 17 September 2011

Q&As: What a good ad about KiwiSaver growth should and shouldn’t include; Bank ad doesn’t always quite work; Should 65-year-old worker feel guilty about getting NZ Super?; Missing pit in last week’s picture; 2 Q&As about KiwiSaver tax credits in the last year of receiving them.

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NZ Herald 10 September 2011

Q&As: Older workers don’t take jobs away from the young; There are ways around timing problems with annuities; Last week’s angry correspondent apologises, and asks another question about how safe NZ banks are; Two readers respond to last week’s outburst; One more “set and forget” KiwiSaver fund.

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The Investor 10 September 2011

Labour shows up National on retirement savings issue. Come on National, you can do better. In less than a year, the first New Zealanders will gain access to their KiwiSaver money to spend in retirement. They need help with how to handle that money.

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NZ Herald 3 September 2011

Q&As: Are NZ banks really safe, given what happened in the Great Depression?; Is it worth spreading your risk by using several banks?; Credit ratings still worth bothering with, and some thoughts on why readers get angry about gold; 32-year-old new KiwiSaver should get straight into growth fund.

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